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时间:2020-05-26 11:43来源:毕业论文



The Phenomenon and Countermeasures Study of the Pupils' Teacher

—the eight one road elementary school of ZhouKou

Abstract: with the development of society and the dissemination of education for all-around development, the mental health of student is getting more and more attention. After physical punishment fade gradually elementary school, the phenomenon of teacher “soft violence” come frequently in school and class, the consequence of the action emerging is more serious than violence. in eight one road elementary school, The writer use observational method and interviewing method understand some the phenomenon of teacher ”soft violence”. Through analyzing the reason of phenomenon , aimed at from teacher , school and society three aspects to found some suggests, such as teacher should improve their own professional moral training, school should enforce supervise and education for teacher moral, or perfect system guarantee, enhance social concern. 

Keywords: soft violence; the performance of” soft violence”; teachers quality

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、小学教师“软暴力”的定义和特点 2

(一)教师“软暴力”的定义 2

(二)教师“软暴力”的特点[2] 2

二、小学教师“软暴力”的现象 3

(一)言语犀利,冷嘲热讽 3

(二)行为极端,过度惩罚 4

(三)置之不理,缺乏关注 5

(四)态度冷漠,藐视学生 5

三、小学教师“软暴力”产生的原因 7

(一)教师职业素养不高 7

(二)学校对教师的监督不力 7

(三)缺乏有效的制度保障 7

四、解决小学教师“软暴力”的对策 8

(一)教师要提高自身的职业道德修养 8

(二)学校加强对师德的监管和教育 9

(三)完善制度保障,增强社会关注度 10

参考文献 11

附录Ⅰ 12

附录Ⅱ 13

致谢 14

小学教师“软暴力”现象及对策研究素质教育的日益发展,使教师意识到体罚是一种不当的教学管理行为。在体罚退出小学课堂之后,师生之间的关系和谐了很多。但深究这些“和谐”的背后,还存在教师的某些行为给学生的身心造成伤害的情况。比如每次考试后的排位问题、教师对某些学生的过渡偏爱问题、教师的某些言语不当造成的对学生的伤害问题等等。这一系列的现象在平时的课堂上并不难见到。有些教师对这些问题本身就缺乏意识,把这些行为认为是“理所当然”,根本没有意识到会对学生造成什么样的影响。有些教师是因为一时情绪失控才造成对学生的无意伤害。但究竟什么是教师“软暴力”?它有哪些表现形式?产生它的原因有哪些?等等这些问题,值得我们深思和探讨。 小学教师“软暴力”现象及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_52867.html
