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时间:2020-04-25 20:04来源:毕业论文



Abstract: This is a network era, the rapid dissemination of information, the use of and access to information has become an important element of social development and inpidual progress. Along with our country network system performance and application function gradually improved, the network has become the main tools and technology foundation of social, economic and cultural development. With the rapid development of the network, on the network spread all the socialist core value system as the core content is also very necessary. The university is an important place for the rapid spread of information. Combination of network culture and traditional campus culture, and then produce the final subset of network culture, born out of a new culture of campus network. This kind of culture is not virtual, but can really reaction in students' behavior on the. The socialist core value system in today's social and economic development put forward the theoretical foundation is very important, but also to adapt to the social construction of Ideological and moral requirements. Adhere to the doctrine of Marx thought as the guide, to establish the socialist core values, the education of national spirit with patriotism as the core and to reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times for the purpose of jointly constructing socialist harmonious culture. This paper focuses on is how to college network culture in the socialist core value system, and actively guide the construction of network culture in Colleges and universities, the cultivation of College Students' correct world outlook, values, etc...

Keywords: the socialist core value system;university; network culture; cultural construction



最近几年,各大高校的高级主管部门及院校管理处以胡锦涛同志提出的“以创新的精神加强网络文化建设和管理”为契机,不断完善高校内部网络建设,营造良好的校园网络文化,改进原有的文化建设及管理方式,加强舆论引导和监督等,为建设更加良好的高校网络文化提供了更加丰厚的物质保障。另外,随着我国科学技术的持续发展和进步,高校也更加重视网络文化建设,在网络基础设施建设方面也是加大投入。据相关数据统计显示,我国有超过90%的高校已经建立了校园官网,实现了无限网络和宽带接入,校园网络涵盖的内容有科学研究、教育教学和行政办公等,学生的网络条件也实现了较大改善。校园网络基础设施的逐渐完善,构建完善的高校网络文化,不仅在创办内容健康的精品网站还在丰富多彩的网上活动等方面都都实现了巨大成功。尤其是手机网和微博以及播客等新兴技术的推动下,各大高校紧贴时代发展脉搏,结合师生和教育环境的不断变化,渐渐地将数字校园和建宣传,还有心理健康教育和学术交流等方面的内容充分纳入到校园网络建设中,有效丰富了网络文化的内容,同时也发挥出了校园网络文化的不同功能。建设合作化、精品化和品牌化的网络文化是吸引和满足学生、教师、教育发展的内在要求[1]。 社会主义核心价值体系在高校网络文化建设中的主导和引领作用研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_50510.html
