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时间:2019-10-27 13:34来源:毕业论文
改进农村初中思想品德教师的生存现状, 应该加大对农村初中的相关投资力度, 显著提升教师的工资水平;这样才能提高教师的工作满意度, 激发教师工作热情; 改变现有的教师评价

摘  要  初中思想品德教师的生存状态直接影响课堂教学和学生品德的培养, 关注这一主体不仅有助于改善思想品德教师的工作和生活质量,有助于提高教育质量,也是建设社会主义新农村的需要。 运用个案访谈法与问卷调查法对漯河市召陵区农村中学思想品德教师进行调查表明:农村初中思想品德教师的工资收入低,身体健康状况不佳、职业认同感不强,并且缺乏专业发展。而政府的资金投入、学校的管理评价制度以及教师人生价值的迷失是其原因。 改进农村初中思想品德教师的生存现状, 应该加大对农村初中的相关投资力度, 显著提升教师的工资水平;这样才能提高教师的工作满意度, 激发教师工作热情; 改变现有的教师评价体系;增加教师培训的机会,提高教师的专业化水平。   41503
The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Ideological and Moral Teachers in Rural Junior High Schools         ——Take Ideological and Morale Teachers of Shaoling District in Luohe as an Example Abstract  The living conditions of ideological and moral teachers in junior high schools directly affect the classroom teaching and the cultivation of students' morality. Concerning on the subject is not only of help to improve the ideological and moral teachers’ work and the quality of life, of great help to improve the quality of education, but also is the need of the construction of new socialist countryside. Using case interview method and questionnaire investigation method to investigate the ideological and moral teachers of a rural junior high school of Shaoling District in Luohe, which showed that ideological and moral teachers of rural junior high school have low wages, poor physical health, weak career identity sense and lack professional development.  while the government's funding, the management evaluation system and the lost of teachers' life value are the causes.  In order to improve the  current situation of ideological and moral teachers in rural junior high school, the government should strengthen the related investment on rural junior high schools, promote teachers' wage level; enhance the job satisfaction of teachers, arouse the  enthusiasm of teachers; change the existing teacher evaluation system; increase opportunities for teachers to train and improve teachers' professional level. 
Key Words: rural junior high schools;   ideological and moral teachers;   current living situation;   Shaoling District in Luohe
目  录
(一) 法治不完善, 教师的权益没有得到切实保障5
三、 改善农村地区初中思想品德教师不佳现状的建议-7
(三)学校要创建良好的制度文化、采用民主的管理方式、树立“关注生命”的 农村初中思想品德教师生存问题及解决对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_41579.html