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时间:2019-08-27 12:47来源:毕业论文

A study of the problem of training children’s sharing behavior in primary class
Abstract:Learning to share with others is the foundation of establish good interpersonal relationships.Now the only child live like parasites and have stronger self-centered and exclusive psychological character,which is extremly bad for training children’s  healthy personality.This article in terms of the analysis of families,teachers and children,using the interview method,observation method and literature cosulting method to find the problem of the training children’s sharing behavior.Such as ambiguous target in training process、training content simplification、unreasonable cultivating mode and so on.For these problem,this paper proposes the use of creating virtual share situation in order to establish the awareness of sharing;improving teacher’s skills by professional training;calling to parents in a timely manner to strengthen children’s share behavior and model demonstration by parents meeting;Family and kindergarten need communication timely and teach children together.In the result of promoting the healthy growth of children by training children’s sharing behavior。
    Key words: children in small classes;sharing behavior;Interpersonal relationships
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、分享行为的概述    2
(一)分享行为的概念    2
(二)分享行为对幼儿发展的积极意义    3
二、个案中小班幼儿分享行为培养的调查结果分析    3
(一)培养目标不明确    3
(二)培养内容单一化    4
(三)培养方式不合理    4
三、影响个案中小班幼儿分享行为培养的因素    5
(一)小班幼儿对分享行为培养的认知水平有限    5
(二)幼儿教师对幼儿分享行为培养的专业知识匮乏    6
(三)家长没有做好榜样示范作用,且观念与行为上存在误区    6
(四)缺乏家园合作    7
四、促进小班幼儿分享行为培养的建议    7
(一)创设分享情境,树立幼儿分享意识    7
(二)通过专业培训,提高幼儿教师培养幼儿分享行为的技能    8
(三)通过开家长会,动员家长及时强化幼儿的分享行为并做好榜样示范    8
(四)家庭和幼儿园及时沟通,家园共育    9
参考文献    10
附录I    11
附录II    12
附录III    13
致谢    14
学会分享是建立良好人际关系的基础,新《纲要》把让孩子学习分享行为列入社会领域的教育内容中。[1]小班幼儿入园,离开家庭步入集体生活,他们需要与更多幼儿相处,共同生活。小班幼儿正处于自我意识最强烈的时期,一切都以自我为中心,独占意识很强,再加上他们缺乏集体生活的经验,很多幼儿不知道如何与同伴分享,也不愿意与同伴分享。通过观察分析研究对象中小赵当家里来客人时霸占着家里的零食不让客人碰,不知道与人分享食物;自己的玩具总是牢牢攥在手里,抱在怀中;不允许家人抱其他孩子,不分享亲人的爱;心中的秘密从来都是一个人埋在心里,不分享秘密。小班幼儿正处于行为发展的黄金时期,从小养成的习惯会影响他的一生,有效地培养幼儿的分享行为,能带动其他亲社会行为的发展,促进幼儿的社会交往。 小班幼儿分享行为培养中存在问题的个案研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38349.html