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时间:2020-05-12 21:14来源:毕业论文



The Problems and Countermeasures of Inter-generational Education of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas 

Abstract: Inter-generational education refers to both parents go out to work, the child upbringing and education by the ancestor, and it is an important form of family education. With the development of cities, the education of left-behind children in families growing, particularly in generational education is most prominent. Through analysis and interviews, found that generation guardians have had little schooling and academic supervision, resulting in poor academic achievement, spoiling a serious, non-rational education, neglected children values training, gap serious communication difficulties, parents and children apart led to serious. To solve the problem of left-behind children's family removed education, home-school cooperation needs to be strengthened, and efforts to enhance the level of isolation of the guardian of education, create a good family atmosphere, enhance parent-child communication, and improving education. Ultimately, improving the effect of family education.

Keywords: Left-behind Children; Inter-generational education; The cooperation between family and school; Education atmosphere

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、农村留守儿童家庭隔代教育的相关概念 2

(一)留守儿童的内涵 2

(二)隔代教育及其特点 2

二、农村留守儿童隔代教育的问题及原因 3

(一)农村留守儿童隔代教育的问题 3

(二)农村留守儿童隔代教育的原因分析 5

三、农村留守儿童家庭隔代教育问题的解决对策 7

(一)加强家校合作,提升隔代监护人的教育水平 7

(二)树立科学合理的教育观念,营造良好家庭教育的氛围 8

(三)加强亲子交流,改进教育方式 8

四、总结 9

参考文献 10

附录 11

致谢 12

农村留守儿童家庭隔代教育问题及对策农村留守儿童是我们国家经济快速发展中涌现出的特殊群体,其核心问题是教育问题。农村留守儿童的家庭教育问题是新时期我国农村教育出现的新问题。教育可分为正规教育和非正规教育两种。正规教育一般指“学校教育”,而一切有别于学校教育的教育形式,称为“非正规教育”,其中的重要组成形式是“家庭教育”。农村“留守儿童”一般都正处于成长阶段,由于其父母一方或者双方外出打工等原因,使这些儿童长期无法享受到正常的家庭生活、教育和关爱,这会对儿童造成很大的影响,其外在表现为学业问题、品行不良等问题。 农村留守儿童家庭隔代教育问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_51460.html
