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时间:2019-08-05 12:31来源:毕业论文

Early reading activities existing problems and countermeasures in A kindergarten
Abstract: "Early reading is the foundation of lifelong learning. Existing studies have shown that early reading helps children's language ability, thinking ability, etc. The development of cognitive ability, can improve children's interest in learning, and promote the development of children's personality and sociality. However, the current people understanding of early reading and education practice, there are still some pitfalls, early reading activities to carry out and implement still exist many problems in the process. This study mainly USES the method of observation and interview method to zhoukou city A kindergarten student in early reading activities, for example, materials in the kindergarten middle shift early reading activities and the environment, goal setting, content choice t young interactive teaching method to study the status quo of, through the analysis found in the practice of important four aspects of problems: (1) the moving target is not clear; (2) the content choice not appropriate; (3) activity organization form a single; (4) activities guidance is not reasonable.
Keywords: Preschool teachers; Early reading activities; countermeasures
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、早期阅读活动的概念    2
(一)早期阅读活动的定义    2
(二)研究设计    3
二、A幼儿园中班早期阅读活动的开展现状    3
(一)活动目标    3
(二)活动内容    4
(三)活动组织形式    4
(四)活动过程    5
三、A幼儿园中班早期阅读活动中存在的问题    5
(一)活动目标不明确    6
(二)活动内容选择不适当    6
(三)活动组织形式单一    7
(四)活动过程实施不理想    7
四、提升A幼儿园中班早期阅读活动的对策    8
(一)制定全面的活动目标    8
(二)选取适当的活动内容    9
(三)采用多元化的活动组织形式    9
(四)开展有效的活动过程    10
参考文献    11
附录Ⅰ    12
附录Ⅱ    13
致谢    14

早期阅读活动是语言活动的重要组成部分。2001年颁布的《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》(纲要)明确指出:要“培养幼儿对生活中常见的简单标记和文字符号的兴趣;利用图书、绘画和其他多种方式,引发对书籍、阅读和书写的兴趣,培养前阅读和前书写技能。”[1]2011年颁布的《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》更进一步的指出早期阅读对幼儿语言发展能力的重要性:应为幼儿创设自由、宽松的语言交往环境,鼓励和支持幼儿与成人、同伴交流、让幼儿想说、敢说、喜欢说并能得到积极回应。为幼儿提供丰富、适宜的低幼读物,经常和幼儿一起看图书、讲故事,丰富其语言表达能力,培养阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯。[2]早期阅读活动是幼儿语言活动的重要组成部分,提升幼儿园早期阅读活动的质量对幼儿语言发展有着重要作用。 幼儿园中班早期阅读活动中存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_37024.html