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时间:2019-07-18 19:33来源:毕业论文
Analysis of the current situation of rural kindergarten dance activities and Countermeasures take Shangqiu F kindergarten as an example Abstract: With the rapid development of the times, the development of pre-school education is increasingl

Analysis of the current situation of rural kindergarten dance activities and Countermeasures
— —take Shangqiu F kindergarten as an example
Abstract: With the rapid development of the times, the development of pre-school education is increasingly concerned by the people, in the development of preschool education, dance education activities have gradually been of concern to the people. In the process of dance activities also highlights many problems, this paper studies on dance education activities carried out in the problem. Issued in 2012 October by the national Ministry of education "in 3-6 years old children's learning and development guidelines" (hereinafter referred to as the guide) pointed out: "dance education because of its body, interesting, intuitive and vivid features, it is carrying the health, language, in one of the carrier of social and Science Education in kindergarten in other areas the content of education, naturally become the essential content of kindergarten education". The current dance education for children in a variety of forms, all kinds of content. From the documents, a lot of scholars, and the paper has carried on the analysis and research. The study of kindergarten educational activities of the dance, the dance education activities carried out in the,, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to help the kindergarten.37098
 Keywords:Kindergarten; dance; present situation analysis; countermeasure
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
一、幼儿舞蹈活动的定义及开展的重要性    2
(一)幼儿舞蹈活动的定义    2
(二)幼儿园开展舞蹈活动的重要性    2
二、大班舞蹈活动开展中存在的问题分析    3
(一)幼儿园对舞蹈活动的重视度不够    3
(二)幼儿园的幼儿舞蹈活动设施不完善    4
(三)幼儿园教师的舞蹈素养不高    5
(四)幼儿教师对舞蹈活动的组织不到位    6
(五)幼儿家长对舞蹈活动的不够重视    7
三、解决大班舞蹈教育活动中存在问题的对策    7
(一)树立全新理念,提高对幼儿舞蹈活动的重视    7
(二)加大对幼儿园舞蹈活动设施的投入力度,充分利用资源    8
(三)优化幼儿舞蹈教师队伍    8
(四)幼儿舞蹈教师积极组织开展舞蹈活动    9
(五)家园相互配合,共同为幼儿的健康发展保驾护航    9
附录I    11
参考文献    13
致谢    14
舞蹈活动是一种人体动作的艺术,它来源于生活而又高于生活。但是这个人体动作需要经过提炼、组织和美化,使人体动作演化为舞蹈。而在舞蹈活动中,一般都要有音乐的伴奏,要穿特定的服装、有的还需要各种不同的道具,如果是在舞台上表演,背景也是非常重要的。所以,也可以说舞蹈是一种空间性、时间性和综合性的动态造型艺术 。”而幼儿舞蹈活动则是由儿童表演或表现幼儿生活的舞蹈。它是对儿童进行德、智、体、美综合教育的重要手段。幼儿园舞蹈活动与其他舞蹈活动表现不同的特点:边歌边舞,形象直观,较容易被儿童理解和接受,而且对于培养幼儿的注意力、记忆力、观察力和创造力,促进其综合素质的发展等方面有着十分重要的意义。 幼儿园大班舞蹈活动开展的现状分析及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35776.html