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时间:2018-12-12 20:00来源:毕业论文

摘要:本文主要研究农村留守儿童希望与生活满意度的关系。采用希望感量表、儿童生活满意度问卷对周口周边农村小学进行问卷调查。留守男童希望感普遍高于留守女童;年级高的留守儿童希望感显著高于年级低的留守儿童希望感;母亲外出的留守儿童希望感显著低于父亲和双亲均外出的留守儿童希望感,对母亲的依赖较大;父母外出时间越长留守儿童希望感显著降低;留守儿童的希望感与生活满意度呈正相关关系,希望感高的留守儿童儿童生活满意度也普遍较高,反之则较低。  希望是提高留守儿童的生活满意度的重要因素和条件,在对留守儿童的心理健康教育中要重视希望感的培养和加强。31463
The Relationship Between Hope and Life Satisfaction of Left-behind Children
    Abstract:In order to learn the relationship between the hope and life satisfaction of left-behind children in rural areas, we adopt the scale of sense of hope and the questionnaire of life satisfaction of children in primary school.The investigation is conducted in Zhoukou rural areas. The scores of sense of hope of left-behind boys is generally higher than left-behind girls’;The pupils from higher grade have higher sense of hope;The scores of sense of hope of left-behind children whose mothers are working outside are significantly lower than those whose parent or both are working outside,which shows that pupils depend on their mothers greatly;The longer parents stay outside, the lower sense of hope of their children;The sense of hope of left-behind children is positively correlated with life satisfaction,that is,pupils whose sense of hope is higher have higher life satisfaction. Hope plays an important part in  improving life satisfaction of left-behind children,so we should pay more attention to strengthening and cultivating the sense of hope of left-behind children in mental health education.
Keywords: left-behind children;sense of hope;life satisfaction
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
1研究设计    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究工具    4
1.3统计方法    4
2研究结果    4
    2.1留守儿童希望感在性别、年级、父母外出打工情况和时间上的差异    4
    2.2留守儿童希望感与生活满意度的关系分析    7
3分析讨论    8
    3.1留守儿童希望感在统计学变量上的的差异分析    9
    3.2 留守儿童希望感与生活满意度的关系分析    9
4结论    9
5不足与展望    9
参考文献    11
附录    12
致谢    14
在我国现阶段,随着现代化进程的不断加快,大量农村剩余劳动力开始向城市转移,这既是农民理性选择的结果,也是当今社会发展的必然。但觉大多数农民工进城后无法解决孩子进城后的学习、生活和医疗保障等急需解决的问题,迫于现实的压力,只能将孩子留在农村,留守儿童问题也由此产生。也因此留守儿童在成长中遇到各种各样的问题,如家庭亲情缺失、学习成绩偏下、行为习惯较差等问题,尤其是心理健康和情感问题尤为突出[1]。研究留守儿童希望与生活满意度的关系有助于帮助家庭重视孩子希望感的培养,为孩子提供良好的生活和学习环境,提高留守儿童的生活满意度。同时给社会提供警醒的作用,希望全社会都能共同关注留守儿童的身心健康,既有重大的理论意义又有重要的现实意义。 留守儿童希望感与生活满意度的关系:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_27638.html