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时间:2018-04-21 20:36来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:农村;幼儿园 ;大班;主题墙;创设
The creation of rural kindergarten theme wall
Abstract:Kindergarten theme wall is to promote children's development of the"environment" indispensable, creating theme wall kindergarten, kindergarten education is rich environment, optimize teaching method, an important way to improve the quality of education. Kindergarten teachers out of class environmenttheme wall to create confusion; let the children become the class environment created by the owner, and environment effectively dialogue, become theinteractive platform of children's learning, to promote early childhood development; let the kindergarten curriculum become class environment creatingcontent; let the kindergarten as a whole linkage. The creation of the theme of the wall is a teacher-student interaction, interaction, student student interaction and dynamic process, teachers, children and parents to participate in or with the. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the creation of rural kindergartentheme wall, in the creation of a participant, theme wall transform frequency,theme, theme creation from the wall materials and other aspects of theinvestigation.
Keywords: rural; kindergarten; class; thematic wall; creation
目    录
摘  要1
Abstract 1
一、农村幼儿园大班主题墙创设现状调查    2
(一)农村幼儿园大班主题墙创设的参与者    2
(二)主题墙变换的频率    3
(三)主题墙创设的内容    4
(四)幼儿园主题墙创设的材料    6
(五)主题墙的空间布置    7
二、影响幼儿园主题墙创设的因素    7
(一)有关主题墙创设的理论研究成果    7
(二)对先进理念的认识与运用    8
(三)幼儿园监管力度以及教师自身觉悟    8
(四)幼儿的认知发展以及家长对主题墙的认识    8
三、农村幼儿园大班主题墙创设的优化策略    9
(一)幼儿园主题墙的创设过程要遵循以下原则    9
(二)幼儿园主题墙的材料的选取要遵循以下原则    10
(三)空间设计    11
(四)普及先进的教育理念    11
《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中明确指出:“环境是重要的教育资源,应通过环境的创设和利用,有效促进幼儿的发展。”幼儿园主题墙创设作为环境创设重要组成部分,对开发幼儿智力、塑造幼儿个性、培养幼儿美感、促进幼儿健康成长起着重要作用。现在越来越多的专家及学者投身到研究幼儿园主题墙创设的行列中,创造了许许多多的先进的理念与研究成果,为改善幼儿园环境创设现状做出了巨大贡献。但不得不说其中专门针对农村幼儿园的理论和成果却少之又少,更不用说细化到农村幼儿园的大、中、小班的研究。本文针对农村幼儿园大班的主题墙创设进行了现状调查,仔细分析了其所存在的主要问题并提出了优化策略。  一、农村幼儿园大班主题墙创设现状调查 农村幼儿园大班主题墙创设现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_13791.html