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时间:2022-08-15 21:40来源:毕业论文

摘要能源问题是当前全世界国家密切关注的重大问题,尤其是在不可再生能源日趋枯 竭并且能源需求急速增长的今天,能源短缺时刻牵动着全球的局势稳定、经济命脉以 及人类日常生活。因此寻找和开发具有高比容量、长循环寿命和高导电的新型电极材 料是目前电池和超级电容器领域亟待解决的一个关键科学问题。83177

本实验主要利用金属离子、刚性多齿配体和三维石墨烯用原位方法合成三维石 墨烯/MOF 复合材料,再经过热解煅烧得到三维石墨烯/ Co3O4 复合材料,随后对其 进行组成、结构、稳定性和导电性等基本表征,再对其进行比容量和循环寿命等电

化学性能测试,根据其构效关系,获得具有高比能量、长循环寿命和高导电的三维 石墨烯/MOF 及三维石墨烯/ Co3O4 自支撑柔性电极材料,为新型超级电容器和锂离 子电池电极材料的开发和应用提供实验依据和理论指导。

毕业论文关键词:三维石墨烯;三维石墨烯/MOF 复合材料;锂离子电池;超级电容器

Abstract Energy problem is a major issue which is closely concerned by the whole world, especially in the growing depletion of non renewable energy and today's rapid growth in energy demand, energy shortage affects the global stability, economic lifeline and human daily life。 Therefore, it is a key scientific problem to find and develop new electrode materials with high specific capacity, long cycle life and high conductivity, which is a key problem in the field of battery and super capacitor。

In this study, we mainly use metal ions, rigid multi gear ligands and three-dimensional graphene in situ synthesis of three-dimensional graphene/MOF composites, three dimensional graphene/Co3O4 composites were obtained by calcination。It is characterized by its structure, stability and conductivity, and then the electrochemical performance test of specific capacity and cycle life is carried out。 According to the structure-activity relationship,we obtain flexible electrode materials of three-dimensional graphene/MOF and three-dimensional graphite/Co3O4 with high specific energy, long cycle life and high conductive and provide experimental basis and theoretical guidance for the development and application of model of super capacitor and lithium ion battery electrode materials。

Keywords: 3D graphene, 3D graphene/MOF composite , lithium ion battery ,   super capacitor

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 三维石墨烯 2

1。2。1 石墨烯概述 2

1。2。2  三维石墨烯概述 4

1。3 MOF 材料概述 6

1。3。1 金属有机骨架材料(MOFs) 6

1。3。2 以 MOFs 为前驱体制备纳米金属氧化物的电化学性能研究 6

1。4 材料表征与分析手段 7

1。4。1 扫描电子显微镜(SEM) 7

1。4。2 X 射线衍射光谱仪(XRD) 7

1。4。3 拉曼光谱分析仪 8

1。5 本论文研究内容 8

第二章 实验方法和电化学表征 9

2。1 实验试剂 9

2。2  实验仪器及测试方法(SEM、XRD、Raman、EDS 等) 三维石墨烯/ZIF-67及其衍生物的制备与电化学性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_97909.html
