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时间:2022-07-03 08:37来源:毕业论文



Preparation of microcapsules and its scavenging properties of superoxide free radicals such as cypress essence

Abstract:This paper uses cypress essence microcapsule molecular core and beta cyclodextrin as wall material to prepare the cypress essence burying method, investigation of core material and wall material ratio, inclusion time and preparation conditions of inclusion temperature, the condition of the optimization of the cypress essence microcapsule preparation process is as follows: the wall material ratio 1:4, inclusion time 2。5h, inclusion temperature of 60 ℃。 At the same time of cypress essence and its scavenging properties of microcapsules on superoxide and hydroxyl radicals。 The results show that cedarwood oil flavors have better scavenging effect on superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, and the scavenging ability of Cypress oil flavor on hydroxyl radical scavenging ability than on superoxide radical。 Cedarwood oil microcapsule product in accelerating conditions showed sustained release better antioxidant properties。 Through sensory evaluation, IR and SEM showed that the microcapsules characterization, cypress product inclusion effect is good。

Keywords:Cedar wood oil essence; Microcapsules;Molecular embedding method; Hyperoxy radical; The hydroxyl free radicals


1。绪论 1

1。1文献综述 1

1。2选题意义 1

1。2。1柏木油概述 1

1。2。2微胶囊的概述 2

1。2。3微胶囊的制备方法 3

1。2。4植物精油的抗氧化性 6

1。2。5精油抗氧化性测定的方法 7

1。3实验方案 8

2。实验仪器与试剂 8

2。1实验仪器 8

2。2实验试剂 9

2。3试剂配制 9

2。3。1 Tris-HCl溶液(三(羟甲基)氨基甲烷)的配制 9

2。3。2邻苯三酚溶液的配制 9

2。3。3硫酸亚铁溶液的配制 10

2。3。4水杨酸-乙醇溶液的配制 10

3。实验内容 10

3。1柏木油香精芯材的挥发油比重测定 10

3。2柏木油香精微胶囊的制备及测定 10

3。2。1柏木油香精微胶囊的制备过程 10

3。2。2柏木油香精空白回收率的测定过程 柏木香精的微胶囊制备及其对超氧等自由基的清除性能:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_95847.html
