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时间:2021-05-17 22:42来源:毕业论文

摘   要:我国历年产生的农业废弃物数量巨大。本研究通过倡导利用厌氧发酵生产沼气技术处理农业废弃物,能保护农村及城市郊区环境,也能改善目前在我国能源利用领域出现的不合理现象,比如十分依赖化石能源,环境污染严重,能源利用效率低下等。本研究利用农业设施废物进行厌氧发酵产沼气。在厌氧发酵前采用物理生物预相结合的方法对黄豆荚叶与玉米梗叶进行必要的预处理准备,物理预处理主要是利用机械等方法来改变农作物的外部或内部组织结构。生物预处理主要利用纤维素酶对纤维素的强降解能力,破坏纤维素—木质素—半纤维素的复合结构,从而达到提高消化率的目的,并在严格的厌氧环境与适度的温度(30±2℃)中进行秸秆原料厌氧发酵试验,利用微生物对物质的代谢和能量转换过程获得能量和物质,目的是产生高值化甲烷气体。本研究针对秸秆类原料因其特殊的理化结构在制取沼气技术上的限制因素,采用多种预处理手段相结合的方式,目的在于提高单一秸秆类原料厌氧发酵生产沼气的产气效率,通过试验检测秸秆原料厌氧发酵的日产气量、累计总产气量、甲烷浓度、二氧化碳浓度以及挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的变化趋势,旨在为该技术在农村生活中得到更好的实际应用提供理论参考数值,本着可持续化的原则方向,对农业生活有着一定的影响意义。67103


Abstract:Our country over the years generated a huge amount of agricultural waste. In this study, by advocating the use of anaerobic digestion to produce biogas technology deal with agricultural waste, to protect the environment in rural and suburban areas, but also to improve the current anomaly occurs in the area of China's energy use, such as heavily dependent on fossil fuels, environmental pollution, energy the use of low efficiency. In this study, agricultural facilities waste anaerobic fermentation biogas. Before anaerobic fermentation using a combination of physical and biological methods of pre-yellow pods leaf stems and leaves of corn necessary pretreatment preparation, physical pretreatment is the use of mechanical and other methods to change crops external or internal organizational structure. Biological pretreatment using mainly cellulases strong degradation of cellulose, cellulose destruction - lignin - hemicellulose composite structure, so as to improve the digestibility of the purpose and under strict anaerobic conditions and moderate temperatures ( 30 ± 2 ℃) carried straw feedstock anaerobic fermentation tests, the use of microbial substances for metabolism and energy conversion process to obtain energy and matter, the purpose is to produce high value of methane gas. In this study, straw-based raw materials because of their special physical and chemical structure to take in biogas technology constraints, using a variety of means of a combination of pre-treatment, aimed at improving the single straw feedstock for biogas production by anaerobic fermentation gas production efficiency, test for detection of gas production by straw feedstock anaerobic fermentation, the cumulative total gas production, the concentration of methane, carbon dioxide and volatile fatty acids (VFA) trends, aimed at providing better theory for the practical application of technology in rural life reference value, in line with the principle of sustainable direction of agricultural life has a certain influence significance.

Keywords: Biomass, physical pretreatment, anaerobic fermentation

目  录

1  前言

1.1  选题的目的及意义 4

2  厌氧发酵概况简述 农业废弃物(黄豆荚叶、玉米梗叶)厌氧发酵产气潜力特性研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_75191.html
