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时间:2019-12-21 17:14来源:毕业论文



Abstract This study investigated the synthesis of lithium ion batteries and electrochemical behavior of copper-based cathode material. Experiment ball milling,spray drying and calcination process to obtain copper-based cathode material,in the process,by varying the experimental parameters,including the copper source,the temperature,the content of Li,doping and doping concentration,to obtain copper-lithium battery cathode sample material , during the experiment , samples were analyzed by XRD and other characterization methods,to obtain optimal process.Experimental results show that the copper source and temperature selection of sample purity cathode material plays a key role in a great impact LiOH concentration on material properties,Li2CuO2 pure phase is not good electrochemical performance,it can be modified by ion doping . 


锂离子电池用铜基正极材料的合成与电化学行为 1

摘要 1

Abstract 1

目录 2

1绪论 3

1.1锂离子电池简介 3

1.1.1锂离子电池发展历史 3

1.1.2锂离子电池的用途及原理 4

1.1.3锂电池组成 4

1.1.4锂离子电池正极材料 5

1.1.5铜基锂离子电池正极材料 7

1.2课题内容 8

1.2.1课题研究目的及其意义 8

1.2.2研究内容 8

1.2.3试验方案设计 9

2制备纯相Li2CuO2的工艺流程 9

2.1材料 9

2.2设备 10

2.3样品的工艺流程 11

2.3.1样品制备 11

2.3.2工艺流程 13

2.4纯相样品分析 14

2.4.1粒径分析 14

2.4.2XRD衍射分析 14

2.4.3电化学性能测试 14

2.4.4循环伏安特性测试 15

2.5结果与讨论 16

2.5.1球磨工艺对前驱体的影响分析 16

2.5.2XRD图谱分析 17

2.5.3电化学性能分析 19

3阳离子掺杂改性 22

3.1材料 22

3.2设备 22

3.3制样 锂离子电池用铜基正极材料的合成与电化学行为:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_43869.html
