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时间:2024-05-15 22:54来源:95398




Abstract:Molybdate is an anodic passivation inhibitor, due to non-toxic, non-polluting, good thermal stability, good coordination and other advantages more and more  attention. Sodium molybdate is considered the best steel corrosion inhibitor in seawater. At present, molybdate has been widely used, but found that the use of its content has a great impact on its inhibition. In addition to adding molybdate directly to the solution, it can also be added to the coating, so that the coating has better corrosion resistance. Water-based paint has the characteristics of safety and environmental protection, used to replace the solvent-based paint pollution, in many areas have a wide range of applications. However, the addition of molybdate to aqueous coatings is still relatively small. Therefore, 16Mn steel samples coated with a series of different molybdate content of water-based epoxy resin coating to simulate the corrosion behavior in seawater, by comparing its corrosion resistance, try to explore the relatively durable molybdate content.

The results show that the lower molybdenum content in the coating will accelerate the corrosion of the metal, and then the corrosion resistance of the coating increases with the molybdenum content, but the molybdenum content is too high will accelerate the corrosion of metal, the most suitable water ring The molybdate content of the epoxy resin coating is about 1%. However, the adhesion of the waterborne epoxy resin film and the substrate is not strong, the coating is easy to fall off under the action of external mechanical force, so in the future study, the improvement of adhesion should be a major direction.

Keywords: Molybdate; waterborne epoxy coating; polarization curve electrochemical impedance spectroscopy


第一章 绪论 1

1.1前言 1

1.216Mn钢 1

1.2.116Mn简介 1

1.2.216Mn钢在不同介质中的腐蚀行为 2

1.3水性环氧树脂 3

1.3.1水性涂料 3

1.3.2水性环氧树脂简介 3

1.3.3水性环氧树脂防腐蚀涂料的性能要求 4

1.4缓蚀剂及复配体系 5

1.4.1缓蚀剂及其选择范围 钼酸盐对涂层性能的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_203863.html
