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时间:2024-05-07 22:52来源:95320




Abstract:The design of Sewage Treatment Plant in a City, the total design scale is 200,000 m3/d.Design water quality implements the Standard for Class A in GB18918-2002 for Pollutant

Discharge Standard for Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant. Pretreatment selection of aeration grit chamber and the initial settling tank, precipitation of waste water in the sediment and other impurities;Secondary treatment with a nitrogen and  phosphorus removal effect of the A2O process, namely anaerobic - anoxic - aerobic biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal process. The advantage of this process is the effective removal of organic matter, less sludge production, low operating costs;Three-level treatment of high efficiency sedimentation tank and gas-water backwash filter, to further reduce the waste water in the organic matter, suspended solids, ammonia and so on; Wastewater finally after disinfection, the water discharge standards.

Sewage after three levels of treatment, the sewage in the pollutants are effectively removed, water quality and stability, impact load capacity. Effluent to the national "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB18918-2002) in the A standard. Suitable for urban sewage treatment plant construction and operation.

Keywords:A2O process,Gas water backwash filter,Nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

第一章绪论 1

1.1项目概况 1

1.2设计依据和标准 1

1.3进水水质水量及出水要求 1

1.4水质分析及工艺概述 2

1.4.1常规脱氮除磷污水处理工艺 2

1.4.2深度污水处理工艺 4

1.4.3污水处理流程比选 6

1.4.4污水处理流程确定 8

第二章污水处理工艺的设计计算 11

2.1中格栅 11

2.1.1设计说明 11

2.1.2格栅的设计计算 11

2.2提升泵房 15

2.2.1设计说明 15

2.2.2设计参数 15

2.2.3设计计算 15

2.3细格栅 17

2.3.1设计说明 17

2.3.2工艺设计简图 某市二十万吨污水处理厂的工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_203704.html
