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时间:2023-03-25 09:59来源:毕业论文




Abstract The process of the paper production can engender a great majority of wastewater。 Its BOD, COD, SS and coloration level are very high。 If discharge directly, it will terribly impact local environment。 So, it is important to dispose the wastewater。 

By looking up and comparing with a variety of papermaking wastewater treatment technologies。The wastewater flow through bar screen to wipe off the solid large particles and adjust water yield and pH in regulating reservoir, then hoist to the primary clarification by lifting pump。 After anaerobic treatment of acid hydrolysis tank, the sewage flow to contact oxidation pool to accept aerobic treatment。 At last, the sewage flow through secondary sedimentation tank and discharge。 This proposed project is economical, effective and reliable run。

Keywords: papermaking wastewater, acid hydrolysis and contact oxidation, design

摘    要 4

Abstract 5

1绪论 6

1。1涂布白板纸概念 6

1。2涂布白板纸生产工艺 7

1。3。国内外研究现状与背景 7

1。4设计内容 8

1。5设计依据 8

1。6设计流量 8

1。7水质与处理标准: 9

2工艺流程的确定 10

2。1 造纸废水水质分析 10

2。2 造纸废水处理工艺介绍 10

2。3污水处理工艺的说明与选择 11

2。4废水处理工艺特点 11

2。5污水处理工艺流程图 12

3主要构筑物的设计计算 12

3。1 格栅的设计与计算 12

3。1。2格栅设计参数 13

3。1。3格栅设计计算 13

3。2调节沉淀池的设计与计算 15

        3。2。1预期处理效果 15

3。3调节沉淀池的设计与计算: 15

3。3。1调节沉淀池的设计说明 15

3。3。2调节沉淀池的设计参数: 16

3。3。3调节沉淀池的设计计算: 16

3。4厌氧反应器设计说明 涂布白板纸废水废水SBR工艺处理设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_152695.html
