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时间:2018-03-26 17:21来源:毕业论文

Workshop process design of an annual output of 10,000 tons of PTFE production
Abstract :The purpose of this design is the design produced by the polymerization of tetra fluoroethylene(PTFE) workshop production process. Design, outlined by the production of Teflon PTFE basic process of polymerization, a suitable workshop production by the selected process parameters, reaction conditions, according to certain standards of product quality and production technical indicators on the reaction process involved various substances for material and energy balance, and on this basis, involved in the production of various production equipment and the equipment selection parameters were calculated. The design of the reaction process is, as raw material in liquid tetra fluoroethylene, first through the gasification equipment to vaporize, and then   through the pre-heater heated to 100 ℃, after they have to 1.15m / s initial velocity into a fixed-bed reactor in the polymerization reaction, out from the fixed bed reactor after the gas-solid mixture, the use of cyclone separation of the product, raw gas back into the fixed bed reactor. Product after drying fluidized bed dryer, cooling be for sale vinyl packaging products. Reaction temperature is 100 ℃, the conversion rate of 3.6% one-way, the total conversion rate of 100%.
Keywords: PTFE;Workshop design;Material balance;Energy balance;Equipment selection
1  绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.1.1 聚四氟乙烯的种类和用途    1
1.1.2 聚四氟乙烯的结构和性能    1
1.1.3 世界聚四氟乙烯发展概况    4
1.1.4 我国聚四氟乙烯发展前景    5
1.2 设计任务和内容    6
1.3 生产方法和工艺流程的设计原则    6
1.4 计算机在车间设计的应用    7
2  生产方案及流程的确定    8
2.1 四氟乙烯的聚合    8
2.1.1 悬浮聚合    8
2.1.2 乳液聚合    9
2.1.3 本体聚合    10
2.2 聚四氟乙烯的成型技术方法    10
2.3 本设计的生产方法及流程    12
2.3.1 生产聚四氟乙烯工艺流程示意图    12
2.3.2 生产工艺流程简述    13
2.3.3 生产工艺流程的特点    13
3  物料衡算    14
3.1 蒸发器及附属换热器    15
3.2 干燥物料衡算    16
3.3 物料衡算汇总表    17
4  能量衡算    18
4.1 能量衡算说明    18
4.2 蒸发器热量衡算    18
4.2.1 蒸发热量衡算说明    18 年产1万吨聚四氟乙烯车间工艺设计:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_11831.html