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时间:2022-07-03 20:50来源:毕业论文



The Application of Flow Process Analysis in an Enterprise


Under the background of global economic integration, the competition among enterprises is becoming more and more fierce。 And the customer demand for products is also in the direction of personalized development, enterprises want to get advantage in this competition, it is necessary to improve production efficiency and reduce costs。 Therefore, enterprises now pay more and more attention to industrial engineering。 Process analysis is the basic theory of industrial engineering technology, but also more and more companies are being applied, and in the process of enterprise production line to improve the process has played a more and more important role。 In this article, the author first introduces program flow analysis purpose and significance, and then introduces the program flow analysis of the current situation of the development, then to Fujitsu general air conditioning company as an example, the flow process chart and 5W1H questioning techniques to analyze production line, using ECRs improvement method to improve the program flow, so that the production efficiency is improved, to reduce the life cycle of the products, reduce costs, improve enterprise competitiveness。

Keywords: Process flow analysis; 5W1H; ECRS


1引言 1

1。1选题的背景 1

1。2课题研究的目的和意义 2

1。3国内外研究现状 2

2流程程序相关理论 3

2。1流程程序 3

2。2 5W1H 4

2。3 ECRS四大原则 4

3富士通将军空调面板线流程现状及问题分析 5

3。1富士通将军中央空调概况 5

3。3面板生产线的流程程序分析 5

3。4面板线的流程程序改善 10

4改善后的流程 15

4。1改善后的大致装配流程图 15

4。2改善后流程程序图 16

4。3改善的效果 18

总结 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22




在全球经济一体化加速的背景下,企业间的竞争也日趋激烈。再加上这几年经济状况萎靡,企业订单普遍减少,所以这几年企业的压力非常大。而且一方面,人工成本和物流成本不断提高,从而导致了生产成本的提高。另一方面就是顾客的个性化需求越来越多,传统大批量生产已经不合时宜,所以在这种形势下,越来越多的企业重视工业工程。流程程序分析作为工业工程的重要组成部分,也被应用在精益生产活动中。论文网 5W1H流程程序分析在富士通将军公司中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95925.html
