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时间:2021-01-06 22:30来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 血缘 传统社区 资源动员

Bloodline: traditional community resource mobilization and Empowerment research

Abstract :Taking Henan Luyi county towns, for example, traditional communities analyze this internal problems, and how to mobilize resources and research training force. With the reform and opening up and development, social progress, the traditional community still maintains some of the traditional practices of some things, for example in dealing with conflicts and disputes within the community, the majority of the community to use some of the agreed-called rules, which in modern hindered development of traditional communities, the study of traditional communities, can effectively improve the rational use of resources of traditional communities and expand community resources mobilization, and enhance people capacity, mediate conflicts within the community. So as to achieve the harmonious development of traditional communities, narrowing the gap between rural and urban purposes. This paper mainly through interviews and literature review of methods within the community residents, community studies major internal problems and reasonable solutions. By Luyi County town of investigation, we found that the main problem is within the community residents to participate in community management awareness is not high, low participation. Its community mobilization focused primarily on internal resources and internal resources mobilization, awareness-raising participation of residents, while residents were conscious ability to improve and develop, and build cooperative governance mechanism, so that all the governance body on the basis of its own has the resources, mutual cooperation, communication and coordination and common development.

Keywords:Consanguinity  Traditional communities  Resource Mobilization

一、绪论 5

(一)研究背景 5

(二)研究意义与目的 5

二 理论框架和相关概念 5

(一)相关概念 5

    1.血源性传统社区 5

2.社区资源 6

    (二) 理论基础 6

        1.资源动员理论 6

        2.社区居民参与理论 7

(三)文献综述 8

1.国外相关文献研究 8

2.国内相关文献研究 8

(四)研究方法 9 血缘传统社区的动员与培力研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_67967.html
