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时间:2022-07-03 09:12来源:毕业论文



The Impact of Family Education on the Growth of Teenagers: An Analysis of Social Work

Abstract:With the development of China more and more rapid, people's living standards improve, family education has also been seen more and more heavy, coupled with the basic are now the only child, parents of children's education more and more attention, The This paper explores how parents should educate their children through the analysis of the background of family education and the analysis of differences between Chinese and foreign family education, and solve the problems in family education by reading the literature and the application of social work knowledge theory。 The purpose of this paper is to analyze the merits and demerits of several common family education models, and hope that parents will combine their own family status to give their family education to their children, rather than blindly follow the pattern of others, and also analyze the current family education Some of the common problems and solutions。

Key words: family education; parent-child relationship; adolescent growth; social work

目  录

一、研究背景 1

二、研究回顾 2

三、家庭教育及其类型 3

(一)国外家庭教育 3

(二)中国家庭教育 4

四、青少年成长及其社会化:生态系统的观点 6

五、家庭教育对青少年成长的影响:亲子关系及其冲突 7

(一)狼爸虎妈式教育对青少年的影响 7

(二)溺爱式教育对青少年的影响 7

(三)物质刺激式教育对青少年的影响 8

(四)原始放养式教育对于青少年的影响 8

六、重塑家庭教育:社会工作的干预及其策略 9

(一)问题家庭教育的案例 9

(二)家庭教育的重塑:青少年的正向成长 10

(三)社会工作的干预及其策略 10

七、结论与建议 11

(一)简短的结论 11

(二)可行的建议 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14


最近几年来,家庭教育受到了家长的高度的关注。毫无疑问,现在中国家庭教育的各种收获以及问题、发展趋势都与我国社会文化相关,是社会改革和建设促进了家庭教育的发展。    家庭教育对于青少年成长的影响社会工作视角分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95867.html
