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时间:2022-06-19 09:21来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the era of Internet Plus coming, the development of social economy makes the public accept the credit consumption as a special consumption pattern。 Electronic business giants are all doing their best to get the market share, such as the Ant check later of Alipay, JD IOUs, etc。 As a non-ignorable and potential consumption group, how to promote the credit consumption of college students has been an urgent issue。 This work starts from this point, introduces the basic features and main consumption area of the credit consumption of college students, and then investigates on the key influence factors of the college students in Normal University。 The work also summarizes the major problems that exist in the development and propose suggestions on the sound and rapid development of credit consumption in Huaiyin Normal University college students。

Keywords: College student, Credit consumption, Influence factors


1 引言 3

2 基本理论概述 3

3 大学生信贷消费的特点 3

4 大学生信贷消费的领域 4

5 淮师大学生信贷消费的影响因素 6

5。1 个人可支配收入因素 6

5。2 信息来源因素 6

5。3 大学生需求因素 7

5。4 信贷产品因素 7

6 淮师大学生信贷消费存在的问题 7

6。1 承贷能力较弱 7

6。2 对信贷消费存在偏见 8

6。3 接触信贷消费的渠道比较单一 9

6。4 信贷消费信息不全 9

7 淮师大学生信贷消费发展的建议 9

7。1 立足大学生承贷能力,合理设计信贷产品 9

7。2 提高大学生认知度,消除大学生偏见 10

7。3 倡导科学营销方式,增加大学生接触渠道 10

7。4 加强客户关系管理,完善信贷消费信息 10

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

附录 15

1 引言

当代大学生作为经济社会一个独特的消费群体,一方面他们崇尚个性,追求时尚,对于新产品新概念的接受能力高于其他消费群体,具有旺盛的消费需求。另一方面,由于没有稳定的工作,平时所需花费主要依赖于家庭供给,在消费过程中表现出较强的依附性。论文网 大学生信贷消费影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_95545.html
