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时间:2017-06-18 08:17来源:毕业论文

Internet Addiction Survey and Analysis for College Students——A University in Shanghai as An Example
Abstract:In order to find out the situation of Shanghai college students' Internet addiction, this essay makes a deeply research in the students of Shanghai Institute of Technology to master the addiction of students’ grade proportion and distribution, explores the influence factors of Internet addiction, and the links and reasons between Internet addiction and online activities through the comparison and analysis of different purposes, classification of Internet users, develops perfect method, content and measures for the prevention and treatment of Internet addiction and ideological work from schools, society and family by analyzing the research put forward the constructive suggestion and the countermeasure of operability. This essay is hoped to explore the internal link between college students' Internet addiction and family, college education and social factors, and the external link between it and the school environment and management, to help college students to standardize the order of network life policy, free from network, correct their bad Internet habit, and help to develop their physical and mental health. This essay has an important theoretical significance and practical significance.
Key Words:College Students;Internet Addiction;Internet Habit
目  录
一、研究背景    1
二、文献综述    2
(一) 相关概念的界定    2
1、 大学生的定义    2
2、 网瘾的定义    2
3、 网瘾大学生的定义    2
(二) 国内外对大学生网瘾问题的研究现状    2
1、 国外对大学生网瘾问题的研究    2
2、 国内对大学生网瘾问题的研究    3
(三) 相关理论    4
三、研究方法    6
(一) 研究对象    6
(二) 研究方法    6
1、 文献资料法    6
2、 问卷调查法    6
3、 访谈法    6
4、 经验总结法    6
(三)施测程序    6
1、 问卷调查    6
2、 访谈调查    7
四、数据分析    8
(一) 样本的基本情况    8
(二) 研究结果与分析    8
1、 大学生网络成瘾总体情况    8
2、 性别与大学生网瘾问题    8
3、 年级与大学生网瘾问题    9
4、 学科类别与大学生网瘾问题    10
5、 家庭结构与大学生网瘾问题    10
6、 网瘾大学生上网行为分布    11
(三) 影响大学生网络成瘾的因素    12 上海大学生网瘾问题现状调查与分析+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_9363.html