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时间:2018-06-22 15:12来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 养老地产;开发模式;融资模式;运营模式;管理模式
Research on Exploitation Model of Old-age Real Estate
Abstract:With the aging of the Chinese society has become more and more serious, the pension problem has become the social increasingly contentious contradiction, the development of real estate for aging old-age climax to provide new solutions coming, but China is still in the exploratory stage. In this case, this article is about old-age real estate in China. First of all this article reviewed the old-age real estate concept, analyzed the existing problems in the domestic old-age real estate development, and then separately from the financing mode, operating mode and management mode, three aspects of the old-age real estate development model for analysis, and the construction of mold old-age real estate development in China according to these three kinds of mode. Finally, through the case analysis on the existing old-age real estate development problems and put forward policy recommendations to promote sustained and rapid development of old-age real estate in China, that has important practical significance and theoretical significance.
Key Words:Old-age Real Estate; Development model; financial model; Operation model; Management mode
 目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究意义    2
1.3 研究方法    3
1.4 国内外研究现状    3
2 养老地产概述    5
2.1 养老地产的概念及特征    5
2.1.1 养老地产的概念    5
2.1.2 养老地产的特征    5
2.2 养老地产的分类    6
2.3 养老地产开发模式的界定    7
2.3.1 房地产开发模式概念    7
2.3.2 养老地产开发模式的特性    7
3 我国养老地产开发中存在的问题    9
3.1 融资问题    9
3.1.1 房地产企业融资的特点    9
3.1.2 养老地产开发企业融资问题    9
3.2 运营问题    10
3.2.1 模式单一    10
3.2.2 开发定位不清晰、盈利模式受限    10
3.2.3 定价高、服务标准不明确    11
3.3 管理问题    11
3.3.1 规划和配套设施缺乏合理科学性    11
3.3.2 养老地产的服务属性不足    13
4 我国养老地产开发模式的构建    14
4.1 融资模式构建    14
4.1.1 融资主体    14
4.1.2 融资渠道    15
4.1.3 融资方式    15
4.2 运营模式构建    18
4.2.1 “养老文化”概念营销模式    18
4.2.2 产业链延伸模式    19
4.2.3 租、售、反按揭组合入住模式    20
4.2.4 案例    20
4.3 管理模式构建    21
4.3.1 开发商管理模式    21 养老地产开发模式研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_18197.html