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时间:2021-11-22 19:25来源:毕业论文



Study On the problem of Equal pay for equal work in labor dispatch

Abstract: The labor market is now faced with the pressure of employment, the labor dispatch is a new form of employment, as many businesses choose。 It brings some problems, including equal pay for equal work to be solved。 Based on the investigation on the market of the dispatched workers, summed up the differences between the two types of employees in terms of wages, and there are a lot of differences in other benefits, especially the promotion of the position is particularly evident。 Analysis of the causes of the problem through these phenomena, it is mainly related to defects in the relevant laws, enterprise management system not perfect, the labor market system deficiencies, the trade union not play a role and the workers’ shallow legal consciousness。 Based on this, the improvement measures are the following points。 First is a clear legal definition of equal pay for equal work。 The second is to improve the enterprise salary and welfare system。 The third is the reform of the labor market。 The forth is to give full play to the functions of trade unions。 The fifth is to strengthen the supervision of the relevant government departments。 The last is to enhance the employee's own legal knowledge。

Key word: labor dispatch;Equal pay for equal work;compensation benefit 


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景与目的 1

(二) 研究意义 2

1、 理论意义 2

2、现实意义 2

二、文献综述 2

(一) 国外研究综述 2

(二) 国内研究综述 3

(三) 研究发展趋势 3

三、我国劳务派遣的背景 4

(一) 我国劳务派遣现状 4

(二) 我国劳务派遣中同工同酬的情况 4

(三) 相关基本理论及法律规定 5

1、 公平理论 5

2、 法律规定 5

四、劳务派遣中同工同酬问题调查 6

(一) 调查方式 6

1、 问卷法 6

2、 访谈法 6

(二) 调查对象 6

(三) 调查结果 6

1、 劳务派遣员工对同工不同酬问题的了解情况 劳务派遣中同工同酬问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_85347.html
