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时间:2020-09-01 21:09来源:毕业论文

摘  要:O2O营销模式是近年来发展迅速、前景最广阔的营销模式,被称为互联网营销的下一个时代。而其中团购作为O2O模式的主要代表,因价格低,消费自由,具有个性化等优势已成为最流行的一种购物形式。通过各式各样团购方式,提高消费者对商家的谈判能力,并且尽最大可能获得折扣利润,引起消费者及业内厂商、甚至是资本市场关注。本文以美团网为例子,浅谈其营销理念,并结合O2O模式,分析其独有的优势,结合我国团购行业现状和我国团购行业的优秀企业,罗列出企业间的优劣势,并加以阐述团购过程中的用户体验,并提出相应的解决方案。55384


Abstract:O2O marketing pattern is developing rapidly in recent years, the prospect of the most extensive marketing model,known as the next era of Internet marketing. And half of the group purchase industry as O2O mode, because of low prices, consumer freedom, has the advantages such as personalization has become one of the most popular form of shopping. Through a variety of bulk form, improve the ability of consumers and business negotiations, and great discount profits, cause consumers and the industry manufacturers, and even the capital market.Based on the network as example, discuss the marketing concept, and combining the O2O model, analysis of its unique advantages, combined with the group-buying industry in our country present situation and the group purchase industry outstanding enterprises in our country, sets out the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprises, are discussed and the user experience in the process of group purchase, and puts forward the corresponding solutions.

Keywords:group purchase, meituan, marketing model, O2O

目  录

1  引言 3

2  O2O营销理论概述 3

3  美团网O2O营销的现状分析 4

3.1  美团网O2O平台 4

3.2  美团网O2O商业伙伴 5

3.3  美团网O2O消费者 6

4  美团网O2O营销存在的问题 6

4.1  线下资源整合困难 6

4.2  O2O营销推广力度不强 7

4.3  售后服务不完善 8

4.4  难以摆脱团购标签 9

5  美团网O2O营销改进措施 9

5.1  建立资源共享渠道 9

5.2  拓宽营销推广线 10

5.3  提升售后服务品质 10

5.4  加快O2O营销模式转变 10

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1  引言

O2O是近年来,网络经济上广泛活跃的词汇,它是一种借助互联网和移动通讯设备促进广泛的消费者进行本地化的消费的商务模式,换言之,O2O(Online to Offline)就是利用互联网推动离线购买,把线上的消费者带到现实的商店完成在商品和服务线支付和线下消费的过程,他将商务机会和pc,移动终端有机的结合在一起,使得推广效果可以查阅,每一笔订单可以追踪。源.自|优尔,:论`文'网www.youerw.com

当前,中国的本地生活服务O2O市场还处于初期发展阶段,互联网发展的迅猛发展,带给O2O带来了无数的机遇和机会,使得O2O成为行业的热点,但是机遇背后更多的是挑战,在国外,即使是O2O的起源国美国也很难发现一例成熟的O2O案列,零售行业的巨头们纷纷止步驻足,经行初阶段的试水。而在国内,由于没有国外的参照指导,企业们也只能摸着石头过河,结合自身情况经行模式探索和创新。 美团网O2O营销分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_59740.html
