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时间:2021-07-01 15:50来源:毕业论文

摘  要名人故居是一个时代的见证,向游客展示了当时的人文与自然。随着时代的发展,故居经常受到自然与人力的破坏,历史名人故居的保护与开发提上了议程。如皋水绘园是如皋旅游业发展的核心对象,一直受到如皋市政府的大力支持。但是近年来水绘园的发展出现了很多问题,景区的吸引力和游客的满意度持续下滑使得水绘园出现了淡季入不敷出的现象。本文结合水绘园发展现状,对水绘园景区的保护性开发提出可行性建议。通过问卷调查的方式,对来景区参观的旅游者进行游客体验性和景区综合性评价两方面展开调查,从而发现景区在基础设施、卫生环境、娱乐项目等方面存在问题,针对此类问题提出细致化的保护性开发策略。69023


Visitor Survey and Protective Tourism Development for the Former Residence of a Historic Celebrity of

 Shuihui Garden in Rugao


The former residence of celebrities is a witness of the times, which shows the humanities and nature of the time. As time goes by, it is often destroyed by nature and human force. So the protection and development of the former residence of historical celebrities has been put on the agenda. Rugao Shuihui Garden is the core object of Rugao tourism development, which always strongly supported by the goverment. But in recent years, some problems has occurred during the development of the garden that thecontinuous declinng of attractiveness of the scenic spot and tourist satisfaction make ends meet in the off-season. According to its current situation, this paper proposed some feasible suggestions on the protective development of the Shuihui Garden. I launch an investigation on the two aspects of the scenic tourist visitors experience and scenic area comprehensive evaluationto find the problems in the infrastructure, sanitary environment, and entertainment areas and put forward some detailed protection and development strategies to solve them. 

Key Words: Shuihui Garden;  Visitor Survey;  Development Strategy 

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一 引言 1

二 如皋水绘园历史名人故居旅游开发与现状 1

(一) 水绘园的保护与开发意义 1

(二) 水绘园的资源特色 2

(三) 水绘园旅游资源保护与开发现状 3

研究方法及数据来源 3

(一)研究方法 3

(二)数据来源 3

四 水绘园游客问卷调查结果分析 4

(一)景区游客个人信息数据分析 4

(二)景区游客体验性评价分析 6

(三)景区综合性评价分析 8

五 如皋水绘园历史名人故居存在问题及开发策略 10

(一)景区价格 10

(二)景区基础设施 11

(三)景区卫生环境保护 11

(四)景区的娱乐项目 11

(五)景区的宣传力度 12

(六)景区的政府支持 如皋水绘园历史名人故居旅游目的地游客调查与保护性旅游开发:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_77752.html
