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时间:2022-03-31 21:56来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着经济的发展,人力资源管理对一个企业来说越来越重要了,而招聘直接决定着一个企业员工的能力,素质等,所以人员招聘的重要性不可小觑,具体表现为能及时招聘到满足企业所需的人员,被录用人员的数量、质量、结构符合企业的要求,招聘成本符合最小化原则,人岗匹配,人事相宜,离职率相对较低等。尽管重要但还是存在一些问题,就如人员招聘的信息不对称问题普遍存在于中小企业中,制约着中小企业的发展。因此有必要对信息不对称问题进行深入研究。首先,引起信息不对称问题的原因是招聘方法不科学;应聘者谎言及印象管理;应聘者与组织文化不匹配以及面试效应。解决策略也是从在四个方面入手,采用科学的甄选方法;控制应聘者谎言及印象管理对招聘信息不对称带来的不良影响;考察应聘者与组织文化的匹配度;克服面试效应产生的错觉等,有效地规避招聘信息不对称问题,促进中小企业的不断进步,进而推动我国整个国民经济的增长。79408


Research on information asymmetry in recruitment of small and medium sized enterprises

Abstract: With the development of economy, human resource management for an enterprise is becoming more and more important。 And recruitment directly determines the ability of employees of an enterprise, quality, so recruiters importance should not be overlooked, specific performance for timely recruitment to meet the business needs of personnel, is the quantity, quality and structure of personnel employed in line with the business requirements, hiring costs in line with the principle of minimization, people and post matching, appropriate personnel, leaving rate is relatively low。 Although it is important to have some problems, such as the information asymmetry problem of personnel recruitment in small and medium-sized enterprises, which restricts the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。 So it is necessary to make a deep research on the problem of information asymmetry。 First of all, the cause of the problem of information asymmetry is that the recruitment method is not scientific; candidates lie and impression management; candidates and organizational culture does not match and the effect of the interview。 Solution strategy is from the start in four aspects, the scientific selection method; control candidates liars and impression management of recruitment information asymmetry brings adverse effects; inspects the job matching degree and organizational culture; overcome the illusion that interview effect, effectively circumvent recruitment information asymmetry problem, promote the continuous progress of small and medium-sized enterprises, thus promoting the growth of China's national economy as a whole。 

Key Words: Small and medium sized enterprises; staff recruitment; information asymmetry


近年来,中小型企业在世界各国迅猛地发展起来,表现出惊人的活力和强大的生命力,在世界各国的经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,中小企业得到各国政府的广泛关注,已成为一个世界性的话题。中小企业以数量比较大、比重大、分布面广;资本与技术有机构成低;劳动密集度高;组织程度差;主要面向国内市场为特点。随着经济的发展中小企业对我国总体经济的发展起到一定的推动作用,它不但吸收了社会大部分劳动力,提供了新的岗位;还为很多员工提供获得全面经验的机会;创新也很灵活;关键是可以创造相当部分的国民生产总值;有力的推动着农村地区的工业化进程; 中小企业日益成为经济国际化进程中的一支重要力量。从它的这些作用中就可以看得出中小企业对我国经济的不断持续发展起着不可小觑的作用,国家也不断的对这些中小企业进行引导与扶持,使其更健康的发展,为我国做出更大的贡献。要想使中小企业更好的发展,员工在这些企业发展中的力量是非常重要的,但是随着近几年的研究发现人员招聘中的信息不对称问题对中小型企业的不良影响日益突出,为了使中小型企业能够正常有序持续不断的发展,继续对我国经济发展做出重大的贡献,我们不但要对这方面的问题更要进行深入的研究,分析引起这类问题的根本原因,提出相应的解决措施,对这类问题进行一定程度上的规避,不但有利于中小企业的正常发展,在某种程度上也是对我国整体发展做出贡献。论文网 中小企业人员招聘中信息不对称问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_91769.html
