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时间:2021-01-11 21:47来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着改革开放由沿海向内陆的不断深入,中国社会正经历着机遇和挑战并存的快速转型时期,生活在我国边远地区的少数民族人口从发展相对滞后的地区流向发达城市,“大杂居、小聚居”分布模式日益显现,同时也带来了值得思考的诸多社会问题影响着国家发展和社会稳定。 社会工作伴随工业化而产生的社会问题应运而生,由起初的志愿性工作到行业性工作再发展到如今的助人自助工作,其在经济社会发展中越来越承担着维护社会稳定、协调发展矛盾,推动经济发展和改善民生的重要作用,而社会工作本土化的一个重要领域就是民族社会工作。



The elementary research of ethnic social work

Abstract: With the development of the reform and opening-up policy, the whole society is facing up a historical turning point, which comes across the opportunity as well as the challenge. In this period, the flowing of ethnic minorities who used to be in the uncivilized area is turning to some developing cities, which is also bringing a lot of social issues that are worth thinking about, meanwhile it has much to do with the steadiness of the society and the country developing. In response to this, the original voluntary work is becoming into self-service work gradually, which is also playing an important role in booming the economy and improving people’s livelihood. 

This writing is focused on the city of Urumqi and five communities in Khotan, meanwhile the method of local researching and interviewing is used, which presents the developing situation under the elementary research of ethnic minority work, and it will provide some beneficial aspects for the coming ethnic minority work.

Key words: ethnic minority, social work, ethnic social work

一、绪论 1

 (一)研究背景 1

(二)文献综述 1

(三)相关概念界定 4

(四)研究方法 5

二、新疆民族社会工作发展现状 5

 (一)新疆少数民族概况 5

(二)乌鲁木齐市与和田市少数民族工作概况 6

(三)乌鲁木齐市与和田市少数民族社会工作开展情况 10

三、新疆民族社会工作的需求 12

(一)社会工作的社会认知度需求 12

(二)社会工作专业人才的供给需求 13

 (三)专业化引进的需求 15

四、新疆民族社会工作存在的问题 15

(一)少数民族工作中缺乏专业社会工作者 15

(二)社会工作发展规划人才供给严重失衡 15

(三)缺乏民族社会工作理论与实务指导 16

五、推动我国民族社会工作发展的建议与对策 16

(一)培养和引进专业社会工作人才,加大招生力度 16 民族社会工作初探:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68128.html
