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时间:2021-12-11 20:08来源:毕业论文

摘要城市轨道交通具有运量大、速度快、准点率高、占地少、污染小等优点,已成为国家 交通发展战略的重点,逐渐成为公共交通体系中不可缺少的部分。因此,城市轨道交通的 经济性、安全性和节能性逐渐成为人们的热点问题。那么,在研究节能、乘客满意度和换 乘站停留时间限制时,如何通过调整运行图来使这三个目标同时得以满足。所以,研究城 市轨道交通运行图多目标决策成为众多研究中一种可能实现的途径。本文则是研究案例相 似度在轨道交通运行图多目标决策中的应用。75325

本文在研究轨道交通运行图多目标决策时,运用层次分析法计算案例属性和单个目标 对总目标的权重,面向重庆地铁的实际需求,根据国内外已有的关于单目标决策的研究成 果,将案例相似度方法应用在基于运行图的城市轨道交通多目标决策中。

本文以案例推理、层次分析法、相似度计算和轨道交通运行图多目标决策等相关理论 为基础,对案例相似度算法展开了分析与计算。以一般轨道交通案例属性和重庆地铁特有 案例属性-抽风设备总功率为基础,得出本文的城市轨道交通案例的属性组成,形成案例表 示后采用层次分析法计算案例属性权重值。

本文将变权值最近邻算法(VWTNN)中案例属性进行了归一化处理,成为了改进的 变权值最近邻法(改进的 VWTNN),并对 VWTNN 和改进的 VWTNN 进行对比研究。最 后,本文选取了历史案例库中 100 个历史案例作为案例库,输入 30 个检测案例,对两种方 法进行计算,分别得出对应方法的最相似案例;再以最相似案例的运行图运行对应的检测 案例,得到 30 个检测案例分别在两种方法匹配出的最相似案例运行图运行后的综合评分, 得出了 90%的检测案例用改进的变权值最近邻法(改进的 VWTNN)匹配出的最相似案例, 在能耗、乘客满意度和换乘站停留时间限制下对相应检测案例的综合评分比用变权值最近 邻法(VWTNN)的综合评分高或者相等的结论。

毕业论文关键词 城市轨道交通、多目标决策、能耗、案例推理、案例检索、相似度、最近邻法

Title Research  on  Case  Similarity  of  Urban  Rail  Transit   Timetable Multi-objective Decision

Abstract Urban Rail Transit has large volume, speed, punctuality rate, small footprint, low pollution, etc。, has become the focus of the national transport development strategy, and has become the public transport system indispensable part。 Thus, urban rail transportation economy, safety and energy efficiency gradually become a hot issue。 So, in the study of energy efficiency, passenger satisfaction and transfer station dwell time limit, how to adjust the operating plans to make these three goals are met simultaneously。 Therefore, the study of rail transportation timetable multi-objective decision to become a kind of way to numerous studies possible。 This paper is a case study in the application of the similarity of rail transportation map and more objective decision。

In this paper, the study of rail transportation map and more objective decision making, AHP calculation case attributes and the overall objective of the right to a single target weight, the actual demand for the subway in Chongqing, according to the research results on the single objective decision-making at home and abroad, will case similarity method in urban rail transit multi-objective decision based on the operation of the timetable。

In this paper, case-based reasoning, analytic hierarchy process, the similarity calculation and rail transportation and other related multi-objective decision diagram based on the theory of the case launched a similarity algorithm analysis and calculations。 In the general case the properties and Chongqing Rail Transit Metro specific case attributes - ventilation equipment based on the total power, the resulting article urban rail transit case attributes, forming a rear case using AHP to calculate case attribute weights。 VWTNN案例相似度在轨道交通运行图多目标决策中的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_86254.html
