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时间:2020-12-21 21:18来源:毕业论文



The Analysis of China’s Headhunting Industry’s Present Situation And Future Development 

Abstract: From the 80 s of the reform and opening up to planned market economy in the 90 s and in 2001, China go into the era of market economy when accessing to the WTO, the economic of china is developing rapidly. Reform and opening up 30 years become one of the world’s manufacturer. But at the same time of rapid economic development, we face the short supply of the talent, In particular, more a lack of top talent. In the meantime, Headhunting industry in China also arises at the historic moment and rapid development, especially in recent years, China headhunting industry accelerated growth. This article will from headhunting industry distribution of high-end talent play in society function and value of the existence make a brief introduction of the necessity of its existence. With China headhunting industry development and the future trend as the research object, take specific research data statistics method of headhunting industry current development situation and existing problems, the opportunities and the development trend of the future. Through the analyses, On the future development of executive search, Put forward my own advice, hope this article in headhunting company have some reference value for the future development of fierce competition.

Key Words: Headhunting;High level talents;Competitiveness






“猎头”这个称呼,是个地地道道的舶来品。在国外,猎头还被称为“executive search”,即高层管理人员招募代理。“猎”就是搜猎的意思,形象地表示了猎头的手段,谨慎,周密,并且要有耐心,而“头”即为头脑之意,代表着在某个行业内有着智慧,才干,丰富的专业知识以及相关行业的经验的有敏锐观察力的高级人才。


中国猎头公司的发展与外资的引进是息息相关的。一些外资企业在华建设需要聘用大量高素质的本土人才,这些人才必须通晓中文、英文或其他语言,熟悉相关的专业技术知识,又要有较好的人际关系,较强的沟通能力,所以对于那些刚成立的外资企业来说寻找合适的高层管理者并不是件那么容易的事情。在美国等地的猎头公司也在改革开放之后传入大陆,随后,一批访寻高层,技术骨干的外资公司,合资公司以及本土公司应运而生。1993 年,泰来猎头咨询事务所在北京成立,这是国内最早拥有法人资格的猎头服务机构。1994 年,智联招聘进入中国,起初在公司刚成立的时候仅有四个职工,如今智联在首都,上海等地都有了子公司。 中国猎头行业的现状与未来发展趋势:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_66879.html
