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时间:2020-11-23 19:16来源:毕业论文



Abstract: This paper mainly adopts the method of quantitative research, Against of huaiyin normal college students' questionnaires were analyzed, The study found that College Students most satisfied style of dress, the most dissatisfied with the body; differences between the sexes are more significant, female students body satisfaction lower than male college students, especially the girls showed obesity anxiety than boys, and more focus slimming; the difference between different grades is also larger, freshman most satisfied,senior student are not satisfied,Along with the grade growth reduced body satisfaction; between Urban and Rural Students' little body satisfaction. The vast majority of college students on the body satisfaction in general.Factors that affect college students' physical satisfaction mainly economic conditions and cultural background of the family, Companion, inpidual cognitive style, mass media.

Keywords: university students,body satisfaction,mental health 

1  引言 5

文献综述 5

3  研究方法与调查对象 6

3.1资料数据收集方法 6

3.2资料数据处理方法 6

3.3调查对象基本情况 6

4  大学生身体满意度的特征 7

4.1相貌满意度分析 7

4.2身材满意度分析 7

4.3穿衣风格满意度分析 8

4.4发型满意度分析 9

5大学生身体满意度的差异研究 9

5.1性别差异 9

5.2年级差异 10

5.3户籍差异 11

6大学生身体满意度的影响因素 12

6.1家庭对大学生身体满意度的影响 12

6.2同伴对大学生身体满意度的影响 12

6.3大众媒体对大学生身体满意度的影响 12

6.3个人认知对大学生身体满意度的影响 13

结论 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

附录 17

1 引言

随着社会的进步和高校素质教育的逐渐推进,人们日益重视高校的心理健康教育,现在大学生的心理健康也渐渐受到来自外界的关注和重视。大学生正处于青年阶段,是一个心理、生理都逐渐趋向成熟的阶段,然而许多调查表明,目前我国有1/3的大学生存在不同程度上的心理问题,并且心理存在不良状况的情况有着逐年上升的趋势[1]。在感慨大学生心理问题严重的同时,也让我们不得不去深思大学生为什么存在这么的严重心理健康问题。 大学生身体满意度研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_65094.html
