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时间:2019-01-27 11:41来源:毕业论文

关键词  文献传播要素  科学文献  作者合作  
毕业论文外文 摘 要
Title   The investigation of interaction among the elements of scientific literature during the growth stage of the new research                    
This paper uses Lasswell 5W model as a guide to investigate the interaction among the elements of scientific literature spreading under the Internet environment during the growth stage of the new research area. This paper gives a case study of the pressure sensor and capacitive sensor fields with summarizing the works on these fields of others and defining document communication elements.
First, using literature growth law and life cycle theory pides scientific literature spread stages .This paper then explores the functional relationship between different elements of scientific literature spread by using the methodology of curve fitting and predicts the development of scientific literature of the next two years using time series method. A scientific literature-spreading model is built for this study. Then, this paper analyzes the evolution of literature communicators’ cooperation relations during bud stage, developing stage and take-off stage, and detects that their cooperation relations are getting closer as scientific literature growth develops.
Keywords:   document communication elements  scientific document  author cooperation
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究问题    2
1.3  国内外研究现状    2
1.3.1  传播学的起源    2
1.3.2  学术传播及其研究现状    2
1.3.3  文献传播及其研究现状    3
1.3.4  国内外研究的不足    5
1.4  研究内容框架    5
2  研究的基础理论与方法    7
2.1  拉斯韦尔5W模式    7
2.2  文献增长规律与生命周期理论    7
2.3  社会网络分析法    8
2.4  时间序列预测法    9
3  文献传播要素的界定以及文献传播成长阶段的划分—基于实证数据    11
3.1  新研究领域数据的获取与处理    11
3.2  文献传播要素的界定    11
3.3  新研究领域科学文献传播成长阶段划分    13
4  科学文献传播要素相互作用及其发展预测研究    14
4.1  科学文献传播要素时间分布    14
4.2  科学文献传播要素相关关系研究    15
4.3  科学文献传播要素函数关系模型构建    16 新研究领域成长阶段中科学文献传播要素的相互作用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30030.html