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时间:2021-05-31 21:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Although Suzhou’tourism ranks first place in Jiangsu province, the high speed development model and the insufficient tourism facilities constrain the further development of Suzhou’tourism.Here is a research that mainly aims at tourist traffic, tourist hotel and tourist information platform of tourism infrastructure in Suzhou City, through collecting data, finding  problems of such three aspects, such as the lack of transport links between scenic spots and attractions, the choices of lodging in star hotels are more biased, the advantages of  tourist information platform are not prominent, and so on. Then,the mian reason of the problems will be researched and resolved in this paper, there are land route is not thorough, the hotel expense is too expensive, people don’t realize the importance of information platform, and so on.According to above situation,the solution such as build 3D transport ,make a balance between hotel and hotel expense ,broaden the service of the  tourist information platform. Meanwhile, the comprehensive survey provides some specific theoretical bases for the governmental administrative department. It also guides and advances the practical work of the tourism infrastructure construction.

KeyWords: Tourism infrastructure,survey,construction,Suzhou city


1  引言 3

2  苏州市旅游基础设施建设调查基本情况 3

2.1  调查目的 3

2.2  调查方法 4

3  苏州市旅游基础设施建设分析 4

3.1  基本概念 4

3.2  苏州市旅游基础设施建设现状 5

4  苏州市旅游基础设施建设发展方向 9

4.1  建设完善交通旅游体系 9

4.2  统筹旅游饭店基础设施建设 10

4.3  拓宽旅游公共信息平台服务渠道 10

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

附录 15

1  引言

经济全球化状态的驱使下,我国颁布了加快旅游服务业发展、扩大旅游内需等政策,一时间,旅游业成为了带动国民经济发展的战略性支柱产业,旅游业的发展更是走上了高峰[ ]。苏州市旅游业一直处于全省前列,但仍存有不足之处。本文主要围绕苏州市旅游基础设施建设的交通、饭店、旅游信息平台三方面,对交通网络的规模、游客在旅游饭店方面的择优和消费承受力以及市内旅游公共信息平台普及率进行调查,探究其在完善旅游基础设施的过程中出现的交通网紧密联系但景区线贫乏、星级饭店消费过高导致游客选择偏向、市内公共信息平台起步较晚且发展滞后等问题,完善旅游基础设施建设以及建立良好的旅游基础设施体系,更好的推动“东方之城”的旅游事业的发展,本次采取随机发放问卷的调查方式,收集相关资料并以理论为基础,对问题深入分析,提出可行性措施,补充旅游基础设施建设过程中存在的缺失与不足。同时,在当前普遍要求满意社会服务需求下,政府部门也应积极配合其进行转变,满足社会的迫切需求,促使我们加强对旅游基础设施服务体系的研究、整合社会旅游资源、为各政府部门提供理论决策依据,加快各地方政府部门旅游基础设施建设工作的开展。论文网 苏州市旅游基础设施建设调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76194.html
