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时间:2018-11-15 09:09来源:毕业论文

关键词  我爱小城  四五线城市  微信营销  微信公众平台
Title    Research on the WeChat  Marketing strategies  of ‘I Love
The Town ’ in the four or five line of the city              
The mobile Internet era has come. In order to serve the permanent residents of the four or five line of the city, ‘I love the town’ emerges as the times require. ‘I love the town’ establishes an exclusive WeChat public platform for each county or township  to provide users with local information and service. In this paper, I have carried on the preliminary analysis of how ‘I love the town’ goes on in four or five line of the cities. I also give some corresponding suggestions on how she deals with the problems she meets in the WeChat Marketing promotion . I hope that this paper can be beneficial to ‘I love the town’ and other enterprises which promote their products through WeChat public platform . Finally ,I wish ‘I love the town ’ has a good future.
Keywords  I Love The Town;  The four or five line of the city;  WeChat Marketing;  WeChat public platform
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景和研究意义    1
1.2  文献综述    1
1.3  研究内容和研究方法    4
2  相关概念和理论    5
2.1  微信和微信营销    5
2.2  微信公众平台    5
2.3  4P理论    5
2.4  4C理论    6
2.5  鱼塘理论    6
3  “我爱小城”在四五线城市的微信营销问题分析    8
3.1  关于“我爱小城”    8
3.2  “我爱小城”的微信营销策略现状分析    8
3.3  我爱小城的微信营销策略中存在的问题    10
4  对策    13
4.1  大胆假设、小心求证    13
4.2   利用名人效应    13
4.3  优化推送信息的质量    13
4.4  文持微信环境安全    14
4.5  线上和线下互动一把抓    14
4.6  实现分众传播    14
4.7  持之以恒地诚信用心经营    14
结  论    16
致  谢    17
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景和研究意义
随着互联网时代的到来,智能手机的数量和即时通讯软件的种类都在极速增加,手机和手机应用市场厮杀惨烈。2011年微信一问世就以不可阻挡之势掀起了群民微信时代 。微信,微信公众平台,微信营销相继成为学者们的研究热题。微信用户数量以不可思议的速度攀升到了优尔个亿。这相对集中的优尔亿用户成为众多企业的目标顾客,微信营销已然成为企业的宠儿。 “我爱小城”在小城市的微信营销策略研究+4P理论:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25870.html