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时间:2017-06-08 15:32来源:毕业论文

The research of rural rear the elderly endowment problem
——Take Mongolia Chifeng city initially Lang town yak camp village as an example
Although family pension is still the dominant mode of China's rural endowment, but the change in the way of speed up the pace of urbanization and population flow, resulted in a considerable number of elderly couples, and old people who live alone to rural communities, become left-behind old people in fact. Rural rear the elderly in the way of living, the care of life and spiritual comfort is faced with more uncertainty. In this background, through the data analysis of investigate village, China's rural rear the elderly endowment situation and analyze the difficulties faced, proposed own view and suggestion on it. Not only should be concerned about the old man's physical health, but also should be concerned about the old man's mental condition.
If left-behind old people problem is not solved, will affect their old age life and healthy body, working outside is difficult for children.
Keywords: Labor transfer;Rural rear old man;Endowment problem
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景与目的    1
(二)研究意义    1
(三)国内外研究现状    2
1、国内研究综述    2
2、国外研究综述    5
(四)实证调研过程和方法    6
(五)相关概念的界定    6
1、人口老龄化    7
2、空巢老人    7
3、农村社会互助养老新模式    7
(优尔)中国农村养老模式现状    8
二、内蒙古农村养老的现状——以内蒙古赤峰市初头朗镇牦牛营村为例    9
(一)样本描述    9
1、靠种地为生的老年人的基本生活情况    11
2、靠子女寄钱的老年人的基本生活情况    12
3、家中只有祖孙两代的老年人的基本生活情况    12
(二)调查村基本情况与现状    13
(三)传统模式的农村养老方式对老年人的影响    14
三、农村“空巢”老人养老问题的研究    16
(一)存在的问题    16
1、收入水平总体偏低,经济缺乏保障    16
2、日常生活无人照料,生活缺乏依靠    16
3、精神食粮普遍不足,生活方式畸形    17
4、安全隐患多    17
(二)国外经验的借鉴    18
(三)完善的建议    19
1、政府应实施及时补位养老服务    19
2、调整产业结构,发展农村经济    19
3、以家庭养老为主体    19
4、建立农村社区养老    20
5、加强老年人的自我保障    20 农村“空巢老人”家庭的养老问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_8732.html