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时间:2024-06-09 09:23来源:95546



Research on the cultivation of core employees in small and medium- sized enterprises-- Taking Qiyewan as an example

Abstract:Nowadays,the competition in society is the talent competition after all,especially the core talent competition.As for the small and medium-sized companies,which are limited by the scale and finance,the core talents are the important source of the core competition.The small and medium-sized companies must attach the great importance to the cultivation of the core talents.This paper introduced the related theories about the small and medium-sized companies and the importance of the cultivation of the core employees in the small and medium-sized companies,on which basic the paper analyze the current situation and assisting problems in Qiyewan from the point of choose employees,cultivate employees.Next,the paper raises the concrete improving plans in training need analysis,select methods,training system and  effect assess.What’s more,this paper suggest adopting employee career planning,performance appraisal and employee encouragement to make sure the successful operating.Finally,we put forward some general suggestions to the small and medium-sized companies on the basic of their characteristics.

Key words: small and medium-sized companies;core employees;training


0引言 4

1中小企业培育核心员工的相关理论 6

1.1中小企业的概念和特征 6

1.2核心员工的定义和特点 6

1.3中小企业培育核心员工的重要性 8

2企业湾核心员工培育现状分析 9

2.1企业湾公司背景 9

2.1.1企业湾简介 9

2.1.2企业湾组织结构图 9

2.1.3企业湾核心员工界定 10

2.2企业湾培育核心员工的基本情况 10

2.3企业湾培育核心员工存在的问题 11

2.3.1缺乏科学的甄选机制 11

2.3.2培训内容缺乏针对性 11

2.3.3培训方式单一 12

2.3.4缺乏考核评估 12

2.4企业湾培育核心员工存在问题的原因分析 12

2.4.1公司领导不够重视 12

2.4.2缺乏科学的培训理念 12

2.4.3员工自我发展意识不强 13

3企业湾核心员工培育方案设计 14 中小企业培育核心员工的问题研究以企业湾为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204139.html
