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时间:2024-06-09 09:20来源:95545



Personality Trait and Entrepreneurial Tendency: Intermediary Function of Innovation Opportunity

Abstract:At present, the study of entrepreneurial activities presents a persified trend, and the study of personality traits and entrepreneurial tendencies is also studied. However, the potential entrepreneurs need to have any conditions, in order to effectively carry out innovative entrepreneurship activities of this issue has aroused the concern of many scholars. This paper introduces the opportunity of innovation as an intermediary variable to explore the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial tendencies. Through the construction of conceptual model, using SPSS software to analyze the questionnaire, the relationship between personality traits, innovation opportunities and entrepreneurial tendencies is discussed The The opportunity of innovation is between the personality traits and the entrepreneurial tendencies, and there is a positive effect between the three, and the opportunities and opportunities for the interaction between the personality traits and the opportunities for innovation are carried out. And put forward the  prospect  of  further research by adding more intermediary factors to explore.

Keywords : Personality traits; entrepreneurial tendencies; innovation opportunities; intermediary role;


1绪论 1

1.1研究问题的提出 1

1.2研究意义 1

2人格特质、创新机会与创业倾向 2

2.1人格特质 2

2.1.1人格特质的内涵 2

2.1.2人格特质的维度选择 3

2.2创新机会 3

2.2.1创新机会的内涵 3

2.2.2创新机会的维度选择 4

2.3创业倾向 5

2.3.1创业倾向的内涵 5

2.3.2创业倾向的维度选择 5

2.4人格特质、创新机会和创业倾向的关系 6

2.4.1人格特质与创业倾向的关系 6

2.4.2人格特质与创新机会的关系 7

2.4.3创新机会与创业倾向的关系 8

2.4.4创新机会的中介作用 9

2.5概念模型 9

3研究方法 10

3.1研究对象 10

3.2问卷设计 人格特质与创业倾向创新机会的中介作用:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204138.html
