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时间:2024-06-09 09:26来源:95547



Research on intellectual property strategy of Haier company

Abstract:in recent years, with the advent of knowledge economy and the  intensification of market competition, intellectual property rights as a kind of intangible property to the development of enterprises is becoming more and more important,  intellectual property rights are increasingly become the main source of the new modern enterprise competitiveness. How in the production and business activities, the correct formulation and apply to the enterprise's intellectual property strategy that has become the concern of many enterprises.This paper takes Haier company as an example, mainly on the concept of intellectual property strategy, intellectual property strategy of foreign domestic development are summarized, and the development of intellectual property strategy environment and the status quo of Haier company is analyzed, and puts forward the corresponding solutions.

Key words:  Haier company, intellectual property rights, enterprise strategy


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究方法 2

1.3.1文献资料法 2

1.3.2比较分析法 3

1.3.3理论联系实际 3

1.4研究内容 3

2知识产权战略概述 4

2.1知识产权基本概念界定 4

2.2企业战略的概念 4

2.3企业知识产权战略的概念 4

2.4国内外知识产权发展概况 5

2.4.1国外发展研究现状 5

2.4.2国内发展研究现状 6

3海尔公司知识产权管理现状 7

3.1海尔公司知识产权管理现状 7

3.2知识产权管理体系中存在的问题 8

3.3知识产权管理体系中问题的原因分析 9

4海尔公司知识产权战略环境分析 9

4.1海尔集团知识产权战略外部环境分析 9

4.1.1法律政策环境分析 9

4.1.2经济环境分析 10

4.1.3市场环境分析 10

4.2海尔集团知识产权战略内部环境分析 10

4.2.1海尔集团拥有专利数量 10

4.2.2海尔集团技术力量 11

4.2.3海尔集团科研经费 11 海尔集团知识产权战略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204140.html
