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时间:2018-05-30 20:02来源:毕业论文

关键词    女大学生   就业歧视   社会性别理论
Title  Female college students who moved the cheese?--the          Perspective of social gender differences of female          University students’employment difficulties and            Analysis                                           
This article mainly research in colleges and universities "uniform distribution" to "graduates and unit of choose and employ persons two-way choice" under the background of female college students employment difficulty. By the method of random sampling, the three representative universities in nanjing: nanjing university, nanjing normal university and nanjing university of science and technology, put 300 questionnaires, take gender comparison method to explore the female university students' employment difficulties are analyzed. Through research, we found that female college students in employment concept and there was no significant difference between male college students basically, but the value orientation of female college students in employment and employment is more active than boys better preparation, under the condition of their employment situation is worse than boys.
Keywords  Female college students     Employment difficulties 
          Social  gender theory
1  绪论    1
1.1  问题的提出    1
1.2  文献综述    2
1.3  概念界定    3
2  就业歧视现状分析    5
2.1  调查样本概况    5
2.2  研究方法    6
2.3  就业观念分析    6
2.4  就业准备分析    15
2.4.2   就业所需的因素    17
2.5  就业情况分析    19
3  成因分析    22
3.1  女大学生自身原因    22
3.2  高等教育    25
3.3  用人单位    27
3.4  大众媒体    27
3.5  法律法规    28
3.6 传统文化中的刻板印象和性别分工    29
4  对策    31
4.1  改变传统性别的刻板印象和分工    31
4.2  建立平等的高等教育模式和有特色的指导    31
4.3  规范大众媒体言论,树立积极的女性形象    32
4.4  积极落实相关政策,引导生育成本社会化    32
4.5  摆脱传统文化观念,努力突破自我    32
结  论    34
致  谢    35 社会性别差异视野下的女大学生就业困境和分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_16649.html