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时间:2022-10-13 22:47来源:毕业论文



Study on The Marketing Strategy of Xinhua Bookstore in Dalian City

Abstract:In the face of the increasingly fierce competition in the book industry environment, especially the impact of online bookstores, electronic books, Xinhua Bookstore's business is facing many difficulties。 This topic takes the Xinhua Bookstore in Dalian city as an example,the current Dalian Xinhua Bookstore in the face of this relatively fierce competition, especially from the electronic commerce is particularly fierce competition。 Xinhua Bookstore is adapted from the original state-owned system, in the process of operation and marketing can not get rid of the constraints of the state system, can not really do the market demand。 By analyzing the competitive environment of Xinhua Bookstore in Dalian City, and SWOT analysis,the advantages and disadvantages of Xinhua Bookstore in Dalian。 this paper proposes a suggestion to promote the Dalian City, Hope to help the operation of Xinhua Bookstore。

Key words: Dalian Xinhua Bookstore; management; problem; marketing strategy

目    录


Abstract 1

一、市场营销相关概述 2

(一)市场营销的概念 2

(二)市场营销活动过程 2

(三)4P营销策略 3

二、大连市新华书店经营现状及SWOT分析 4

(一)大连市新华书店的经营现状 4

(二)大连新华书店SWOT分析 5

三、大连市新华书店营销中存在的问题 7

(一)产品品类不齐全,缺乏质量标准 7

(二)定价单一,商品折扣小 7

(三)营销理念陈旧,缺乏创新 8

(四)促销活动单一,活动主题不明确 8

四、大连市新华书店营销策略建议 8

(一)规范产品质量,制定质量标 9

(二)采用价格差异化、市场化及明确化 9

(三)开拓会员网络渠道,满足顾客需求 9

(四)增强促销力度,突出活动主题 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12



随着经济的不断发展,人们的物质生活不断提高,在物质生活得到满足之后,人们开始追求精神文化生活,阅读成了大多数人的选择,书店巧妙的将阅读与生活融入到一起,丰富着现代人的文化生活,增加人们的阅历,开阔人们的视角。大连新华书店在网络信息高度发展的当今社会仍然具有不可替代的作用,其必营销策略必然有其成功之道。 大连市新华书店营销策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_100296.html
