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时间:2018-09-06 19:14来源:毕业论文

The mental Characteristics of Inpidual for young and middle-aged Female who Wear high-heeled Shoes frequently
Abstract: Recently there were more and more academic concerning about the behavior for female to wear high-heeled shoes. To explore the relationship between whether female wore high-heeled shoes frequently or not and their mental characteristics of inpidual, I investigated 100 young and middle-aged female in different works in Luoyang by the questionnaire of EPQ, and studied the current situation for female to wear high-heeled shoes, and the relationship between whether female wore high-heeled shoes frequently or not and age and mental characteristics of inpidual. It was found that only 30% of female wore high-heeled shoes frequently and the percentage of them went down with age; There existed significant difference in the dimension of introversion and extroversion between the female who wore high-heeled shoes frequently and the female who didn’t; There existed significant difference in the dimension of nervousness for the female who wore high-heeled shoes frequently in different age groups.
Key words: mental characteristics of inpidual; young and middle-aged female ; high-heeled shoes
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
1研究方法    3
1.1调查对象    3
1.2调查方法    3
1.3调查内容    4
2调查结果    4
2.1被试在各年龄段的分布    4
2.2 常穿高跟鞋的被试与不常穿者的个性心理特点对比    5
2.3 常穿高跟鞋的被试在不同年龄段上的个性心理特点比较    5
3分析讨论    5
3.1 常穿高跟鞋的女性随年龄段增长呈下降趋势    5
3.2 常穿高跟鞋的女性性格更外向    6
3.3常穿高跟鞋女性的掩饰性与不常穿者的无显著差异    7
3.4 常穿高跟鞋女性的情绪随年龄段增长而稳定    7
4结论    7
5给广大女性的建议    8
参考文献    8
附录    9
致谢    12
众所周知,高跟鞋给旁观者带来美的享受,它促使腿部肌肉绷紧,拉长腿部线条,使人体腿长与身高的比例符合黄金分割比率,同时重心的前移迫使女性把肩膀向后放,背向后弓,做出挺胸的动作,更加突出了女性的特征和美感[1]。但正如专门研究健康的文章中所说,“鞋跟是那么高, 全身的重量就落在足趾上。同时也因为其鞋头是如此其尖, 所以足趾就有互相排挤之虞, 其结果往往弄到大趾弯了进去或甚至踏到二趾之上, 而形成足部的失其常态。这非但痛苦, 而且于美观上也是很有影响的。同时也因为鞋身太小之故, 血脉自不能流畅自如, 加之以由脊骨处达于足部之神经大受压迫之故, 头晕、腰痛、背酸等毛病跟之而发生了。” 从健康学的角度来看, 高跟鞋确实不利于脚部与整体健康。长期穿用高跟鞋, 会对脚趾造成压迫, 引起脚踝变形以及腰椎疼痛、膝关节炎, 导致气血不通, 等等[2]。 常穿高跟鞋的中青年女性的个性心理特点研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_22493.html