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时间:2020-05-04 20:21来源:毕业论文
Oxidation ditch is a system of activated sludge treatment and has a sealed channel-like aeration tank, but it is different from conventional sludge treatment. It is easy to find that the wastewater pr

Oxidation ditch is a system of activated sludge treatment and has a sealed channel-like aeration tank, but it is different from conventional sludge treatment. It is easy to find that the wastewater processed by the oxidation ditch has obviously good effluent water quality and features high reliability and convenient maintenance through a few years’ operation experiences. Through the whole oxidation ditch, there is no need to build the primary sedimentation tank and sludge nitrification tank, which simplify the process facility to a large extent and reduce the cost of operation and maintenance of equipment. In our country, oxidation ditch has been the priority technique for small and medium-sized wastewater plants by virtue of economical and reliable advantages. 

The design is to use Carrousel oxidation ditch. The organic substance, nitrogen and phosphate can be removed at an extent during the alternate operation of aerobic and anoxic sections. The technique features short procedure, satisfactory treatment effect, stable effluent quality, less sludge residue, easy operation management and low operation cost. The output water is qualified with the Grade One B standard stipulated in Pollution Discharge Standard for City and Town Wastewater Plants (GB18918-2002).

Keywords: urban domestic wastewater; Carrousel oxidation ditch; construction calculation


1绪论 1

1.1 设计任务 1

1.2 采用设计标准 1

1.3 工程概况 1

2 处理工艺选择 2

2.1 目前常用的城市污水处理工艺 4

2.2 工艺的选择 4

2.3氧化沟工艺的选择 6

2.3.1 Carrousel氧化沟工艺 6

2.3.2 一体式氧化沟 6

2.3.3 奥贝尔氧化沟 6

2.3.4 三沟式氧化沟 7

2.3.5 DE氧化沟 7

2.4工艺流程的确定 7

3 工艺流程说明及计算 9

3.1 粗格栅 9

3.1.1 设计参数 9

3.1.2 设计计算 10

3.2 污水泵房 11

3.3  细格栅 12

3.3.1设计参数 12

3.3.2 设计计算 12

3.4 沉砂池 14

3.4.1 平流式沉砂池设计依据 14

3.4.2 设计参数 15

3.4.3 设计计算 15

3.5氧化沟 17

3.5.1 设计参数 17

3.5.2 设计计算 17

3.6 辐流式沉淀池 23

3.6.1 设计参数 23

3.6.2 设计计算 24

3.6.3 刮泥设备 27

3.7 接触消毒池 27

3.7.1 设计参数 28

3.7.2 设计计算 28

3.8 污泥处理构筑物 29 日处理10万立方氧化沟法处理某地区生活污水工艺设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_51008.html
