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时间:2017-02-09 11:28来源:毕业论文
After finished the third chapter ventilation safety engineering design, this design still other accidents in the tunnel safety management technology measures discussed in this paper, summarizes the fa

      After finished the third chapter ventilation safety engineering design, this design still other accidents in the tunnel safety management technology measures discussed in this paper, summarizes the factors affecting the safety of tunnel construction control method and tunnel construction site safety management measures, and emergency rescue plans for the tunnel construction process, is the tunnel is the systematic and comprehensive analysis of the ground, for the tunnel construction safety technical improvement and innovation provides a powerful reference value, and for the tunnel construction has important practical significance.
     In this design in the end, this paper made a comprehensive summary of and this design was discussed. This design from the aspects of practicability and maneuverability. Tunnel construction safety is always a nagging question of its security problems also emerge in endlessly, this requires that we can more and more engaged in the research of tunnel safety, engaged in tunnel safety aspects of the design can be more and more advanced, can engaged in tunnel construction technology is more and more mature, hope these can be achieved, in the near future for millions of tunnel construction personnel life insurance.

Key words:The tunnel construction;A hazard analysis;Safety engineering design;
           Tunnel ventilation design;
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题的目的与意义    1
1.1.1 隧道施工安全事故数据统计    1
1.1.2 选题的目的    2
1.1.3 选题的意义    2
1.2  国内外隧道的发展现状与主要问题    3
1.2.1 国内外隧道的发展现状    3
1.2.2 隧道施工中存在的主要问题    4
1.3 本文设计的内容和方法    4
1.3.1 本文的设计内容    5
1.3.2 本文的内容安排    5
2 某隧道工程施工事故隐患分析    6
2.1 某隧道施工工程概况    6
2.2 隧道施工方法简介    7
2.3 隧道施工工艺流程图简介    9
2.4 隧道施工现有的安全防护措施    12
2.5 某隧道施工现场的实地调查分析    15
2.5.1 人的不安全行为    15
2.5.2 物的危险状态    17
2.5.3 管理上的缺陷    18
2.6 隧道施工事故案例    19
2.7 隧道施工事故隐患分析    21
2.7.1 预先危险性分析法    21
2.7.2 作业条件危险性分析法    22
2.7.3 事故隐患分析总结    24
3 某隧道施工项目通风安全工程设计    25
3.1 隧道施工通风设计规范    25
3.1.1 施工通风的设计原则    25
3.1.2  设计依据及参数的选取    25
3.2 某隧道工程现场概况    26
3.3 通风方案的比选    27
3.3.1 三种通风方式比较    28
3.3.2 系统通风方式的确定    29
3.4 隧道施工现场需风量计算    29
3.5 系统风压的确定    32
3.6 通风设备、管道直径的选取    33
3.7 通风管道布置示意图    34
3.8 隧道施工通风安全工程设计总结    36
4.隧道施工安全技术措施探讨    37
4.1 影响隧道施工作业安全的因素控制    37
4.1.1隧道施工粉尘的控制    37
4.1.2隧道施工照明与噪声的控制    38 隧道施工事故隐患分析与安全工程设计(3):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_2721.html