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时间:2020-06-29 21:50来源:毕业论文



 Relationship between the Capital Structure and the Income Tax 

ABSTRACT:Capital structure theory as an important part of financial theory, in the enterprise management also plays an important role in decision making. And tax as a country to force transfer of property, to achieve the redistribution, balanced approach, give attention to two or morethings has penetrated in all aspects of our national economy, in our production and business operation life is everywhere. The enterprise income tax and the enterprise capital structure relationship research has both theoretical value and practical significance. Research idea of this paper extend from theory to practice, from western classical theory of capital structure, MM theory, then introduce my theory of taxation, tax rate, on the asset-liability ratio is theoretically discussed that the influence of capital structure. In this paper, combining theory with practice, further study of the income tax and the correlation between the capital structure of listed companies in our country, and through linear regression analysis, obtained the income tax and capital structure was significantly positively related to the conclusion.

Key Words: capital structure theory;the enterprise income tax;Asset-liability ratio 

目  录

摘要 I


目  录 III

引言 1

一、文献综述 1

(一)资本结构理论的发展 1

(二)企业所得税与资本结构 3

二、上市公司融资途径及融资现状 6

(一)融资途径 6

(二)融资现状 6

三、实证研究 7

(一)研究假设及变量选取 7

(二)样本选择 8

(三)模型构建 8

(四)多元线性回归分析 8

四、研究结论与对策建议 14

(一)研究结论与分析 14

(二)对策建议 15

(三)未来研究展望 16

参考文献 18

引言现代企业追求其企业价值的最大量化。而要想达成此目标,涉及到的企业理念众多,资本结构理论就是其中之一。其核心为达成最优资本结构,是实现企业价值最大化非常关键的一环。最优资本结构这一概念的提出,得益于资本结构理论从MM理论至今的一步步发展完善。其重点是对资产负债率的一个不断合理化的过程。而对负债比率的研究,又与企业的所得税有千丝万缕的关系。本文就着力于探索所得税负与资本结构的关系,力图从理论和实践上,探寻我国上市公司负债融资倾向。 《企业所得税法》对上市公司资本结构的影响:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_55548.html
