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时间:2021-12-13 19:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 当事人伪造证据;危害;应对措施;

The discation on measures of forging evidence in civil action

Abstract: Falsify evidence in civil lawsuit is civil litigation act of false evidence, this kind of behavior seriously interfere with the normal conduct of civil procedure, damage the judicial authority and impartiality, also affects the case accepted the speed and quality。 And as people increasingly, forgery of evidence in civil procedure has been more and more frequent and hidden。 In our country on the behavior of the fabricated evidence in civil procedure law regulation of the looser, party a and the probability of risk giving false testimony was subsequently heighten。 Therefore, in the fabricated evidence in civil procedure reasonable regulation is very important。 Firstly fabricated evidence in civil proceedings on the parties elaborates the concept, characteristics, causes and the harm, then the need for classification, finally the behavior of the prevention and regulation put forward their own opinions。

Keywords: The parties to falsify evidence; Harm; Response;


一、 民事诉讼中当事人伪造证据之问题由来 1

二、 民事诉讼中当事人伪造证据的危害 1




三、 国内立法现状和国外立法例 2

(一) 国内立法现状2

(二) 国外立法例  3

四、 应对措施 4

(一) 提高人们的诚信意识4

(二) 对民事诉讼中当事人自己伪造证据的立法建议5

    五、结语 6

参考文献 7

致谢 8

一、 民事诉讼中当事人伪造证据之问题由来

笔者提出这个问题本来是源于生活,在我们社会目前的民事司法现状之中存在这样一种现象:当事人看似“正常”参加诉讼完成了所有诉讼程序,法院也依法履行了其职权,当事人最后却获得了不正当的诉讼利益或者说当事人很隐秘的侵害了他人的合法利益但是当事人即使被法院发觉了此种行为亦不能有效制裁。本人对这种现象产生了浓厚的兴趣,刨根问底的本性让我决定对此种现象做更深入的分析和研究。当事人此种行为属于伪造民事证据的行为,而伪造民事证据主要包括他人伪造、当事人自己伪造和当事人指使他人伪造三种行为。其中他人伪造和当事人指使他人伪造的行为刑法中有确定的罪名进行规制,唯独当事人伪造证据 刑法中却无明确规定。 这个刑事法律上的空白区域导致了民事诉讼中当事人伪造证据的泛滥,严重扰乱了正常的民事司法秩序。本文重点讨论民事诉讼中当事人伪造证据的情形。文献综述

二、民事诉讼中伪造证据的危害 民事诉讼中伪造证据的实践应对:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_86447.html
