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时间:2019-08-22 13:06来源:毕业论文

摘  要:腐败犯罪已成为当今的热点问题,近几年来,我国严厉打击腐败犯罪,使许多腐败问题浮出水面。然而腐败犯罪问题依然越演越烈,其中,村干部腐败问题尤为突出。由于其本身职位特殊性,另一方面城乡一体化进程不断加快,使村干部受惠巨多,以在土地征收过程中腐败最为严重,少则身价百万,多则身价上亿。村干部借着城镇建设的东风,迅速成为新一代“土豪”。打击村干部腐败,也是我打击腐败的重要环节,改善村干部腐败,促进土地征收过程中的合理公正,也是我们共同努力的的目标。38971
In the Process of Land Expropriation Village Officials Corruption Crime Research
Abstract: In recent years,crime of corruption has become the current hot topic, our country to crack down on corruption crime, is many corruption problems surfaced. However still escalating corruption crime, among them, the village cadres corruption is particularly prominent. Particularity due to its own position, on the other hand, the accelerating the process of urban and rural integration, benefit village cadres giant, corruption in the process of land expropriation in the most severe, and less is worth millions, more is worth hundreds of millions of. The leaders at village level by the dongfeng town construction, has quickly become a new generation of "local tyrants". Hit the corruption of the leaders at village level, also is the important link of the party to fight corruption, improve the corruption of village leaders, promoting the reasonable and fair in the process of land expropriation, and the goal of our joint efforts.
Key words: Corruption crime; Land expropriation; The leaders at village level
目    录

摘 要    1
Abstract    1
一、土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪问题现状    2
(一)村干部在土地征收过程中利用职务之便谋取不正当利益    2
(二)村干部位小权大独断专私损害村民利益    3
(三)妨碍扰乱社会管理秩序    4
二、现阶段我国土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪问题日严重的原因    ... . 4
(一)我国土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪问题的内因    4
(二)我国土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪问题的外因    5
三、规制土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪的建议    7
(一)完善村干部职权定位制度    7
(二)完善村干部法律监督体系    8
(三)制度原则价值三位一体式完善农村土地征收制度    9
(四)农村土地征收市场化    10
(五)加强文化公民建设    10
参考文献    13
致谢    14
随着十八大的召开提出“反对腐败在构建社会主义和谐社会中处于核心地位,对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要作用。”[1]我着力加强对腐败犯罪的惩治力度,同时也发现村干部腐败日益严重,尤其新农村建设步伐的加快,在推进农村不断进步和发展的同时,也为村干部腐败犯罪创造了空间。尤其在我国现行的制度框架下,村官腐败很难与刑法层面上的腐败犯罪,贪污受贿联系在一起,小问题容易被忽视,越发严重,成为大问题。在土地征收过程中,村干部也借机越“贪”越多,受“益”丰富。在有些地方尤其是像北京,上海,郑州等中心城市,村干部腐败已经成为“常态”,也成为新闻媒体们关注的焦点。在土地征收的过程中,“乡村干部腐败损害了和政府的形象,侵害了农民群众的切身利益”[2],必须严格把关,严肃处理,严厉打击,打击腐败,从村干部抓起…… 土地征收过程中村干部腐败犯罪问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_38058.html