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时间:2022-06-13 21:39来源:毕业论文
通过控制变量法研究膨胀型有机硅阻燃材料在室温发泡的条件 下改变各组分,测试各项性能相应的变化并得出最佳配方。实验前阅读 大量相关文献了解课题方向的背景、意义等,其中实

摘要实验通过控制变量法研究膨胀型有机硅阻燃材料在室温发泡的条件 下改变各组分,测试各项性能相应的变化并得出最佳配方。实验前阅读 大量相关文献了解课题方向的背景、意义等,其中实验原理是实验核心, 理解通透后再设计可行的实验方案,并在实验过程中不断改进。在成熟 配方的基础上混合药品再按照工艺流程进行实验,得出样品后进行各项 性能测试。实验原料有羟基硅油(107 胶),乙烯基硅油、氢氧化铝、含 氢硅油、炭黑、铂系催化剂、抑制剂等。81502

经试验得到最佳配方为乙烯基硅油 10g,107 胶 92g,氢氧化铝 98g, 炭黑 0。16g,含氢硅油 32。6g,抑制剂 0。54g,催化剂 0。42g。催化剂用 量加倍,加速了样品反应的进行,但对产品性能表征没有太大影响。样 品的发泡倍率,密度,吸水性和硬度等随有机硅油单组分用量的增加呈 现“W”型曲线趋势,这和粘度密切相关。温度的增加会缩短表干时间, 增大材料发泡倍率等,而有机溶剂组分的加入会导致发泡很不理想。氢 氧化铝对样品的影响主要有两方面。一方面,氢氧化铝越多,体系粘度 越大,发泡效果越差;另一方面,氢氧化铝作为阻燃剂,所占比例越大, 阻燃效果越好。


Abstract In this experiment, organic silicon expansion type flame retardant material foaming at room temperature is studied with various components by control-variable method。 Different properties are measured and we can obtain the best formulation。 Before the experiment, a large number of relevant literatures were consulted to know the background and significance of the topic。 Especially, the experimental principle is the key of the experiment。 After learning the experimental principle, we can work out a feasible experimental plan which will be improved in the experiments。 Mixing the drug and then operating according to the process of the experiment on the basis of the mature formula。 Obtaining the sample and measuring properties of samples。 Organic silicone expansion type flame retardant material is prepared of hydroxyl silicone oil (107glue), vinyl silicone oil, hydrogen silicone, aluminum hydroxide, carbon black, platinum-based catalyst and an inhibitor。

The optimal formula is 10g of vinyl silicone oil, 92g of 107 adhesive, 98g aluminum hydroxide, 0。16g of carbon black, 32。6g hydrogen silicone oil, 0。54g inhibitor and 0。42g catalyst。 Results show that the twice dosages of catalyst accelerate the reaction of the sample without any effect to the performance characterization of the product。 The foaming rate, density, water absorption and hardness of the samples have a trend of "W" curve with the increase of the amount of organic silicone oil, It is closely related to the viscosity。 The increase of temperature will shorten the drying time, increase the material foaming rate。 However, the addition of organic solvent component will lead to the foam unsatisfactory。 The aluminum hydroxide has impacts on two main aspects。 On the one hand, when the aluminum hydroxide is more, the viscosity of the system is greater, which will lead to the worse of foaming effect。 On the other hand, the proportions of aluminum hydroxide get larger mean that the flame retardant of the sample gets better。

Keywords: Foaming at room temperature; Organic silicone expansion type flame retardant material; Flame retardant; Foaming rate。

第一章 绪论 1

1。1  有机硅简述 1

1。1。1  有机硅概念 1
