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时间:2022-04-14 21:55来源:毕业论文
通过粒径分析、红外光谱以及差示扫描量热法(DSC) 对制得的乳液性能进行了表征,利用吸水率测试、极化曲线测试、光学显微镜测试和 力学性能测试等手段对制得漆膜的力学性能

摘要随着人们环境保护意识的增强以及可持续发展观的深入人心,VOC 含量逐步成 为限制涂料发展的又一重要因素。传统溶剂型涂料由于其中含有较多的溶剂,在其使 用以及成膜过程中,会挥发出大量的有毒物质,对环境造成很大的污染,且造成了资 源的浪费。因此,水性涂料等环保型涂料获得了广泛的发展,而丙烯酸涂料作为一类 重要的涂料,在水性化过程中受到了巨大的关注。磷酸酯类乳化剂作为一种新型表面 活性剂,具有很多优良的性能,其来源广泛,且大多为天然或可再生资源,对环境和 人类几乎无任何毒害作用,其在各个方面如皮革、造纸、日用化学品等领域已经获得 了广泛的应用。本文重点研究了在磷酸酯类乳化剂存在的条件下,不同因素对丙烯酸 乳液性能的影响。79865

实验通过控制变量法,重点研究了不同乳化剂、不同硬单体比例以及不同玻璃化 温度对乳液以及漆膜性能的影响。通过粒径分析、红外光谱以及差示扫描量热法(DSC) 对制得的乳液性能进行了表征,利用吸水率测试、极化曲线测试、光学显微镜测试和 力学性能测试等手段对制得漆膜的力学性能、表面形貌以及耐蚀性进行了分析评定。

综合各方面因素可得,磷酸酯类乳化剂的使用,减小了乳液乳胶粒子的粒径,从 而使得漆膜具有了更好的成膜性,赋予了其更好的耐蚀性。在磷酸酯类乳化剂体系下, 当玻璃化温度为 20℃时,苯乙烯与甲基丙烯酸甲酯的比例为 4:1 时,可制得综合性 能良好的乳液,且得到的漆膜也具有优异的成膜性和耐蚀性。


Abstract With people's awareness of environment protection and sustainable development enhanced,VOC content has gradually become another important factor to limit the development of coatings。 Traditional solvent based coatings, which contain much solvents,

will emit a large amount of toxic substances and cause the waste of resources during the use, especially in film forming process。 As s result, waterborne coatings and other environmentally friendly coatings have been widely developed。 As a kind of important coating, acrylic coatings have received great attention in the process of waterborne。 Phosphate emulsifier as a new surface active agent has been widely used in leather, paper, chemicals and other fields because of many excellent properties, such as widespread, natural and reproducible material, no harm to human and environment。 The effect of different factors on the properties of acrylic acid emulsion in the presence of phosphate emulsifier was studied in this paper。

By controlling variable method, the effects of different emulsifier, hard monomers ratio and glass temperature on the emulsion and film properties were studied。 The properties of emulsion were studied by particle size analysis, infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)。 Water absorption test, polarization curve test, optical microscope and mechanical properties test etc。 were also carried to analyzes and evaluate the file mechanical properties, surface morphology and corrosion resistance。

Synthesis all various factors, the use of phosphate emulsifier decreases the particle size of latex particles, which makes the film form better and improve corrosion resistance。 In the phosphate emulsifier system, the excellent forming and corrosion resistance properties emulsifier can be prepared when the glass transition temperature is 20℃ and the ration of ST and MMA is 4:1。

Keywords: Acrylic resin; emulsion polymerization; phosphate emulsifier; waterborne anticorrosive resin; corrosion resistance
