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时间:2022-01-30 21:54来源:毕业论文

摘要:牙齿畸形不美观,对于众多青少年来说是十分不舒服的一件事,尤其是对于那些爱美的女生。矫治牙齿就显得尤为重要,然而传统的钢丝矫治器有很多弊端,如果口腔卫生维护不好,可能造成细菌滋生、牙龈发炎等口腔损害,不仅对患者自身健康有一定影响,更重要的是对美观和社交的影响,因此,担心周围同事或者亲友异样的目光,很多成人患者不愿意接受治疗。于是乎,高分子材料的隐形牙齿矫治器就运用而生了。本文以热塑性聚酯 TPU为基体材料,添加少量PETG、PC等高分子物质进行共混改性研究,探究符合医学口腔牙齿矫治器的优异材料,筛选出比较安全可靠,性能达标的材料。本课题主要是测试其不同材料的吸水性、透光率、力学性能和热学性能的表现特征。77566


Preparation and characterization of thermoplastic materials for invisible orthodontics

Abstract:Dental deformity is a very uncomfortable thing for many teenagers, especially for girls who love beauty。 Correctional tooth is particularly important, however, the traditional steel wire and correcting device has many disadvantages。 If oral hygiene is not well maintained, it may cause oral damage such as bacterial growth and gum inflammation, not only has a certain influence to the patient's own health, more important is the impact on the aesthetic and social, therefore, fear colleagues or friends and family around new vision, a lot of adult patients are not willing to accept treatment。 So, the invisible orthodontics of teeth is important。 Based on thermoplastic polyester TPU, through blending modification research, obtained the excellent comprehensive properties of orthodontic treatments oral material, to explore the possibility of its replace imported orthodontic materials。 Using PETG and PC as modifiers, this project examines their effects on TPU optics, mechanics and water absorbing properties。 

Keywords: orthodontic material; thermoplastic polyurethane; modified

目  录


1。1 传统牙齿矫治器及其缺陷

1。2 隐形牙齿矫治器及其优势

1。3 隐形牙齿矫治器的发展史

1。4 隐形牙齿矫治器的材料构成及性能要求


1。6 聚氨酯TPU及其改性

1。6。1 聚氨酯TPU

1。6。2 PC聚碳酸酯的介绍

1。6。3 PETG的介绍

1。7 研究的内容

1。8 研究的任务

1。8。1 对聚氨酯进行改性

1。8。2 对改性后的聚氨酯性能进行测试和筛选


2。1 实验主要试剂和仪器


2。1。2 实验仪器与设备

2。2 实验样条的制作

2。2。1 原料的准备

2。2。2 原料的共混


2。2。4 共混材料的性能测试 改性聚氨酯制备隐形牙齿矫治器:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_89158.html
