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时间:2017-05-23 23:03来源:毕业论文
以制备出的TiO2、 NbOx 、TiNbO5和TiTaO5纳米片为原料,使用层层自组装旋涂法镀膜介绍了涂有不同薄膜(NbOX ,TiO2,[NbOX 、TiO2]复合,[NbOx/TiO2],TiNbO5,[TiNbO5 、NbOX] 复合

摘 要玻璃作为传统的建筑材料广泛地应用于工业和日常生活各个方面,例如汽车挡风玻璃、玻璃幕墙、家装材料等,而这些材料的性能直接关系到人民的生活质量。自清洁玻璃的产生,为汽车玻璃产业创造了一片新的景象。本论文中,以制备出的TiO2、 NbOx 、TiNbO5和TiTaO5纳米片为原料,使用层层自组装旋涂法镀膜介绍了涂有不同薄膜(NbOX ,TiO2,[NbOX 、TiO2]复合,[NbOx/TiO2],TiNbO5,[TiNbO5 、NbOX] 复合,[NbOx/ TiNbO5,TiTaO5])的自清洁玻璃的光学性能探究。利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察薄膜的表面形貌,以薄膜对亚甲基蓝的光降解表征自清洁玻璃的光催化能力,以接触角分析表明薄膜的超亲水性能。结果表明:在热处理450℃下,[NbOX ,TiO2]复合薄膜具有超亲水性能、高透光性、光催化性能和耐刮擦能力。因此,此种复合薄膜适用于车辆用自清洁玻璃。9110
关键词: 自清洁;纳米片;层层自组装;亲水性
Glass as a traditional building material have been widely used  in all aspects of daily life, such as car windshields, glass curtain wall, home improvement materials, which performance played an important factor in the life. Self-cleaning glass appeared and produced has opened a novel door to the green development of material. In this paper, the self cleaning film including NbOX ,TiO2,[NbOX 、TiO2] composite film,[NbOx/TiO2],TiNbO5,[TiNbO5 、NbOX] composite film and [NbOx/ TiNbO5,TiTaO5] was prepared via LBL spin-coating method starting from TiO2、 NbOx 、TiNbO5and TiTaO5 nanosheets , which have been fabricated from the layered compound. Typically, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to detect the morphology of film. At the same time, the decomposition of MB under the UV light was utilized to probe the photocatalytic property. Finally, the contact angle was charactered to illustrate the hydrophilic property. The results indicated that: the [NbOX,TiO2] composite film heated under 450 ℃ possessed super-hydrophilic properties, high transmittance under the visible region and better photocatalytic performance, and abrasion to the scratch, which  was sufficient for most vehicles with self-cleaning glass.
KeyWords: Self-cleaning,Nanosheets,LBL ,Hydrophilicity

目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 自清洁玻璃    1
1.1.1 自清洁玻璃的研究现状    1
1.1.2 自清洁玻璃的分类    2
1.1.3 自清洁玻璃的制备技术    3
1.2 层状化合物    5
1.2.1 层状化合物的分类    5
1.2.2 剥离技术    6
1.3 纳米片    6
1.3.1 纳米片的制备工艺    6
1.3.2 纳米片的自组装技术    7
1.4 选题思路    9
2 实验部分    10
2.1 实验原料及实验仪器    10
2.2 实验过程    11
2.2.1 纳米片的制备    11
2.2.2 薄膜的旋涂及热处理    12
2.3 分析表征    13
2.3.1 透射电镜(TEM)    13
2.3.2 扫描电镜(SEM)    13
2.3.3 X射线衍射(XRD)    13
2.3.4 UV_Vis透光率分析    13
2.3.5 接触角测定    13
2.3.6 显微硬度法测试薄膜厚度和硬度    13
2.3.7 光催化性能测试    14
3 结果与讨论    15
3.1 纳米片前驱体制备    15
3.1.1 XRD分析    15
3.1.2 SEM分析    16
3.2 纳米片制备与表征    16
3.2.1 丁达尔现象    16
3.2.2 纳米片的TEM分析    17 新型车辆用自清洁玻璃的制备与抗菌性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_7713.html